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The alarm clock goes off at a slightly later time than usual. While getting ready for the day, you turn on your laptop as you yawn your way to the bathroom. Rather than a necessity, the work computer is now just another household item. In the past, your home was a place where you could relax and unwind, but now it’s a place where you do your homework and rush around. With children, you have...


New app, Carb Genius, which went live today on the Apple Store, is entirely focused on low carb & keto diets and is from MyNetDiary Inc., known for one of the original calorie tracking Apps on the market “MyNetDiary”, which currently has over 12 million global users. [lasso ref=”clickbank” id=”83914″ link_id=”3485″] With more people than ever turning to tech for their wellness needs, the timing seems ripe for this summer launch. Much more than a carb calculator, Carb...


COVID-19 pandemic forced people to remain indoors while also putting an emphasis on staying healthy. And mobile health (mHealth) apps came to save the day. The global pandemic led to the rapid adoption and penetration of mHealth technologies. One of the main causes was the intensifying need to monitor and diagnose patients remotely, as well as to analyze patients’ information. mHealth applications played an important part in MedTech innovation which is why their popularity increased...


Parenting your aging parents is never easy, and it can be fun if you tick the right boxes. However, it can be a daunting and frightening experience, especially if they don’t want your help or you don’t know where to start. Most seniors don’t need much help from others until their health deteriorates. The majority want and wish to live independently and with dignity. However, health issues crop in, and living becomes difficult, especially if...


Line: With the rise of smartphone usage, industries especially healthcare, must find ways to accommodate this shift towards the “online”. As you begin to set up your medical service app, consider partnering with a reliable service like LLCBuddy to help you navigate the complexities of forming an LLC and ensuring your business complies with all relevant regulations. Starting a medical service app isn’t easy. There are many crucial elements needed for your application. It may...


TruthMap, a next-generation emotional wellness company, today announced the launch of its first-of-its-kind app, TruthMap Hologram, to address the mounting mental health concerns caused or magnified by the worldwide pandemic. TruthMap Hologram is the first and only self-help app based on the proprietary therapeutic model Core Issue Completion Therapy® (CICT) rather than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), establishing TruthMap as a pioneer in the digital emotional wellness space. Designed to “help your mind find your heart,”...


New offerings from top-rated nutrition and calorie tracking app, MyNetDiary (www.mynetdiary.com) include keto-, low-carb-focused, vegetarian, vegan and Mediterranean diets and functionality, along with hundreds of Premium Recipes (fast and easy with the majority clocking in at about 20 minutes max). If you start monitoring eating and calorie-intake now, you will be able to ignore all the calls to start cleanses and intense workouts to “repent” for holiday indulgences! Users of different lifestyles can choose from...


Taking care of your health has become much easier and more comfortable – online diaries, calendars, and other smart healthcare applications can not just keep but also analyze data about your health and body. These applications help you stay healthy and keep track of your health by reminding you to take medication on time, monitoring the body’s performance, and giving bits of advice. With mobile apps, the future of healthcare and clinical practice would never...


As technology and online networks continue to reach new heights, many diabetics along with their support systems have moved to social media in order to express and seek support from individuals experiencing the same struggles as them.  With COVID-19 preventing local communities and support groups from getting together in person, social media and online platforms are crucial to maintaining the support within the diabetes community. DMP (Diabetes Management Platform)  The app concept of DMP (Diabetes...


If we look back over the last decade, digital healthcare platforms have made significant strides, particularly healthcare apps and HIPAA-compliant websites. The explosion of these platforms have been propelled by consumer demand for innovative technologies that empower users to have a larger role in managing their health, and by healthcare organizations to improve the patient experience and entice engagement. As consumers increasingly use a variety of digital self-service tools for managing their health, this demand...

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