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The internet is a powerful tool that many people today use to get information, communicate with others and purchase goods and services. However, the vast amount of data available at the click of your fingertips isn’t always accurate, especially healthcare. Much of what you find online isn’t based on scientific research or comes from a reputable source. As such, it’s become quite dangerous when these people armed with false data pretend to be experts and...


When it comes to selecting a career, many aspiring students may feel understandably overwhelmed as each sector hosts seemingly endless options. However, there are a few ways that you can narrow down your selection and grasp enough confidence in your decision. One of the best ways to select is a career is to determine key aspects, such as salary, job satisfaction, job security, and other smaller aspects such as growth, work-life balance and others. In...


Colorado Springs, CO – May 22, 2020 – Notify.com announced today an enhancement to the web-based console for its Emergency Notification Platform.  The new user interface will allow those initiating mass communication to quickly search for selected Users, Groups and Subscriptions, via a new search box feature.  This new capability will greatly reduce the time to select the desired recipients. “Notify.com is an acknowledgement-based notification platform,” said Bob Lueth, President of Notify.com.  “This simply means that every message sent to...


Designed to provide interoperable data for healthcare systems, FHIR interoperability leader 1upHealth has developed a system that connects providers and patients from over 10,000 healthcare facilities, bridging the gap between patient data and provider needs. One of the biggest issues in the medical community is the fact that patient data has been isolated in various Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. As a result, healthcare providers struggle to access patient data, leading to a less than...


Medical translation is an uncommon translation that requires not just capability in the source and target languages, yet in addition, an impressive degree of medical information. Meaning picking a medical translation provider ought not be a “come what may” choice. Blunders in medical writing and name translations can prompt extreme results on many individuals. The associated four hints below ought to be helpful in finding the right medical translation services. 1. Embrace a Scrupulous Research...


Melbourne-based company Lyfe has developed automation software that is making healthcare administration easier for all. For years, patients and healthcare providers alike have struggled to juggle the ins and outs of administrative functions, such as scheduling appointments, rescheduling appointments, processing payments online, client-provider messaging, requesting information from insurance companies, and more. That all changes with Lyfe, a platform where patients are able to book appointments within a few mouse clicks and providers are able to...


The SimCair iCON (Infection Control) mattress was created to help protect against the spread of superbugs, bacteria and viruses in healthcare, hotels, resorts or at home. Demand is so strong the company behind the infection control and home hygiene sleep technology is now seeking investors to fund its U.S. and global expansion. The key feature of this product is its ability to not only provide a comfortable sleep surface but also allow the core layer...


Whether you wish to become a general practitioner, a pediatrician, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, or a surgeon, you should seek to reach the pinnacle of your profession. To do that, you’re going to have to resolve to become a great doctor! To find out how you can improve your skills as a professional healthcare provider, be sure to read on (don’t forget to also find medical office leasing). The skills you need to learn If...


While caregiving can be a very rewarding experience, it is a role that often leads to burn out. There are a lot of tasks to manage and caring for a person often involves mental, emotional and physical support all at the same time. Whether you are caring for a loved one who is aging-in-place or working professionally as a carer, digital tools like home care apps and adult day care software can help caregivers avoid...


Visionflex is making waves throughout the healthcare industry, largely due to its groundbreaking developments in telehealth technology and big-picture approach to healthcare. Over 10 years ago, the founders of Visionflex, an Australian-based company, set out to achieve an enormous yet simple goal: Equality Healthcare. In essence, this means reaching the more remote areas — those in both Australia and throughout the world — with the same high-quality healthcare that most people can expect to receive....

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