Steven R. Covey, in his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, stated that “ but until a person can say deeply and honestly, “ I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say,” I choose otherwise.”
The world is replete with an array of choices for most situations. In the aspect of education, you can choose to go to the sciences or Humanities, you can choose to have an MSc or not, health-wise, you can choose to follow a regimen that will keep you healthy or not, you can decide to buy a car or a bicycle. This portrays that we are responsible for whatever the outcome of our choices are.
For one to be highly effective, we should be ready to make the right choices. Working out is a choice worth making, it enhances a healthy and fit lifestyle. While working out, it is imperative you avoid some foods that can be detrimental to your fitness goals.
Are you confused about the right food to take when working out? USN Plant Protein are the right choice to make. It is embedded with the right supplements that accounts for healthy living and makes your fitness goals a reality.
What foods should I avoid when working out?
Eating some meals when working out can hinder your fitness progress. You may end up not getting a desired result even after lots of intense workout sessions. You can prevent this by avoiding the following foods when working out:
- Avoid junk foods like a plague. They contain high fats that take hours to digest fully. The high sodium levels present in junk foods can slow down the balance of body fluids needed during workout. You can feed on healthy snacks instead, like those from USN.
- Dairy products should be avoided during workout. High protein foods and beverages does not have the right quantity of carbs needed, they drain your energy faster.
- Avoid foods with too much sugar. High carb and sugary snacks will increase your blood sugar level and also slow down your metabolism. It’s recommended you avoid orange juice, soda, energy and isotonic drinks before an intense workout session.
- Avoid caffeine too, it can disrupt your sleep pattern. Lack of sleep invariably means lack of adequate energy for physical exercise.
- Anything made with salsa or hot sauce are hard to digest and so they should be avoided. Do not take spicy foods during workouts.
- “Avoid high fibre foods especially salads with flaxseed or kale.” Laura Cipullo once advised.
- Stay far away from black beans.
- Avoid fatty foods, skip anything fried. “Fats slow down the digestion process in the gut, thereby delaying the delivery of nutrients needed by the muscles.” Paul Roller explained.
At USN, we provide you with top-notch quality and sports supplements, adequate information and guidelines that will help you achieve your fitness goals faster. We are a phone call away, contact us now!
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