
FeaturedPharmaRxTechExam.com – Guaranteed Pharmacy Tech Certification

Did you know that 48% of all people that attempted the PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) Exam in 2018 failed it? The statistics are shockingly high, so it’s no wonder that many able Pharmacy Technicians are shying away from certification.

If you’ve never heard of it before, the PTCB Exam offers a certified qualification for Pharmacy Technicians. While many have dubbed it as a tough exam in the past, a new streamlined easy-to-follow, online PTCB course developed by RxTechExam takes away all the stress in exam preparation.

Why take the PTCB Exam in the first place? Earning this certification is a great form of professional development, and it will also paint you in a better light, making you a more valued employee or prospective employee, as you’re proven to be equipped with the necessary knowledge to safely carry out numerous tasks to support both pharmacists and patients alike.

And here’s the catch – in 2020 it’s required that you pass a PTCB Recognized Pharmacy Technician course. RxTechExam already meets the standards of that recognition offers the most up to date curriculum available for PTCB preparation.

RxTechExam’s specialized online PTCB Exam preparation is a self-paced course that you can complete at your own leisure and can be accessed on any device, but what makes it stand out from the rest?

With a 100% Money-Back Guarantee, RxTechExam promises passing the PTCB Exam, otherwise they will refund the entire course cost no questions asked, and with currently 58% of people failing their first attempt, this proves that they believe in their course.

What’s more, RxTechExam has done away with boring, useless content that is uninspiring, and quite frankly outdated. Instead, the company has focused on creating a specialist online PTCB course with well-presented and thorough materials that are both interactive and fun. Without any fluff or half-taught topics, the courses focus directly on what’s important – the information you will be tested on and passing the exam.

And if this is not enough, when you pass RxTechExam’s course with a grade of 80% or more, you will receive even more recognition, an Advanced Certification of Completion.

By choosing RxTechExam as your PTCB Exam preparation course provider, you will not only learn the latest content that in a matter of weeks, you will also gain confidence, and save both time and money by not having to re-sit for the exam over and over again.

This post has been sponsored by RxTechExam

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