
Featured6 of the Best Apps for the Elderly

Think of something and you can probably find an app for it! There are hundreds of apps to choose from whether you have a smartphone, tablet or an iPad/iPhone. We’ve had a look and listed our favourite 6 apps for the elderly.

Skype, WhatsApp, Imo

Although technically not one app but three, the common factor in all is that they allow video calling for free. All you need is an internet connection, either via your data allocation or a wi-fi path. Everyone lives busy lives and today, more than ever, families and loved ones find themselves geographically dispersed, sometimes not even in the same country! These video calling apps allow you to keep up with people, and be able to share experiences and memories as if they were there in front of you. According to the Better at Home report, 9 out of 10 brits think it is important to speak to elderly relatives regularly, these apps make it easier to do this and maintain a deeper relationship.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could record your personal memories, anecdotes, preferences as you go along so that when it comes to the time when you are not able to share this, loved ones and people who care for you can get to know you? Kindeo makes this possible. The app has in built questions and prompts to make it easier for the person to share their stories.

Pocket physio

According to the Better At Home Report produced by the Live In Care Hub (www.liveincarehub.co.uk), one of the easiest and simplest way to prevent falls is to maintain and build muscle strength. The pocket physio app allows you to do this anytime anywhere. Choose from a range of demonstrational videos with additional text commentary to ensure you have as much information as possible to make the workouts effective.


Whether you’re looking to play for entertainment or to help with strengthening memory, Lumosity has a library of games designed to challenge and suit your individual skill level.

Medisafe medication reminder and pill organiser

If you struggle to remember to take your medication or on multiple treatment plans and want to make sure you don’t make any mistakes, this is the app that can help. The app helps you record, dose, time, shape and colour of each medication. You can also set reminders for yourself and track key health information such as blood pressure and weight.

Amazon Kindle

Books are the perfect companions wherever you are, but it can be tedious to carry them around with you or to and from the library; with the amazon kindle you can carry your books with you and pick up the story where you left off at home, on the bus, on the train or the doctor’s waiting room. As soon as you’ve finished one book, a new one is but a click away. If you struggle with font size and not being able to focus with certain colours, the app lets you customise the text and backgrounds to make it a comfortable and enjoyable experience. If you’d rather let someone else do the reading and you just listen, Kindle can do that for you.

This post has been sponsored by Ditto Digital

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One comment

  • Justin Monger

    December 9, 2024 at 4:31 pm

    Dear Digital Health Buzz Rep,

    I think you have missed / overlooked an app that truly saves lives while keeping older Americans on their med regimen. The app is free, and optional, the rest of the service is paid for my Medicare…… check this out: https://medsuresystems.com


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