There are many claims made about acupuncture and its effectiveness in treating many different conditions. Whether or not all of these claims are true, however, is another matter entirely. To see if acupuncture could be effective in helping you, consider the following questions and answers provided by The Inner Wellness.
Can Acupuncture Help with Anxiety?
Yes, acupuncture has been found to help with general anxiety. People find the practice soothing and relaxing, which helps to reduce their stress response and feel more relaxed, generally. For more information, consider the information provided by Healthline, available here.
Can Acupuncture Help with Weight Loss?
No, at this time acupuncture has not been proven to help with weight loss. Many report positive side effects from the treatment, including appetite cessation, lowered stress and more. Still, while it may not be effective for everyone, the practice may be part of a beneficial plan for individuals. Learn more here.
Can Acupuncture Help with Nerve Damage?
Yes, acupuncture can provide relief from chronic pain associated with nerve damage. The amount of relief and the effectiveness of the treatment will depend heavily on the individual, but as the practice helps increase blood flow and release endorphins to targeted areas, benefits are quantifiable. For all the details about acupuncture for neuropathy, check here for more information from Healthline.
Can Acupuncture Help with Tinnitus?
Yes, acupuncture may be effective for tinnitus. Recent studies have shown that the intensity of tinnitus symptoms is decreased following acupuncture. However, there is a lack of sufficient scientific research to fully corroborate the claim. For best results, consult with your doctor before attempting acupuncture for tinnitus.
Can Acupuncture Help with Sleep?
Perhaps acupuncture is effective in treating insomnia or sleep problems. This study, conducted by the National Institute of Health in the US, shows improved sleep for sufferers of insomnia when compared to medication or the control group. Still, they urge more research to be conducted to prove or invalidate their findings.
Can Acupuncture Help with Depression?
No, at this time, acupuncture is not considered an effective treatment for depression. There has not been sufficient research done into the subject to validate any claims of effectiveness.
Can Acupuncture Help with Back Pain?
Yes, acupuncture can help with back pain, in the same way that it is effective for treating nerve damage. Increasing the blood circulation to one area of the body can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Can Acupuncture Help with Vertigo?
Perhaps acupuncture is effective in treating vertigo. There is promising evidence to support the claim that acupuncture can reduce or remove the effects of vertigo, which can be found in this study. Much like with the sleep study, however, more research and a larger sample size is required.
And there you have it! Definitive answers to many of the common questions that people ask regarding acupuncture. Did any of the results surprise you, or were you happy to have your expectations met? Either way, the best way to see the positive results of acupuncture is to try it for yourself!
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