Limb prostheses can be divided into two categories – upper-extremity prosthetics and lower-extremity prosthetics. As their names suggest, they are either for the replacement of some body part or function in the upper body or the lower body.
There are many types of prosthetics as well as materials used to make them. Today, researchers, scientists, and engineers have truly pushed the boundaries of building better, safer, stronger, and generally superior and smarter prosthetics that leverage technology and engineering to provide features and advantages that improve one’s life.
Let’s understand the two types of limb prostheses that are most commonly used throughout the world. Note that the distinction applies to children too – though in those cases, they are called pediatric prosthetics or child prosthetics.
What are upper-extremity prosthetics?
Upper-extremity prosthetics are the parts of a person’s body that are not attached to the trunk. They include arms, hands, and fingers. Upper-extremity prosthetics may be powered by batteries or external devices such as motors or hydraulic pumps.
Upper-extremity prosthetics are the most common type of prosthetic device used by amputees. They are often used to replace missing arms, hands, or fingers.
The upper-extremity prosthetic devices include:
- Artificial arms
- Artificial hands
- Artificial fingers
- Other hand prosthetics
To put this in perspective, suppose someone loses part of their hand after the elbow. They will be using an above-elbow prosthetic arm in this case.
Upper-extremity prosthetics are artificial limbs that replace the function of the upper extremity. The residual limb is not required to be a prosthetic but may be an amputation stump or a healthy part of the body.
The upper extremities mainly include:
- Forearm (from the elbow to the wrist)
- Hand (from the palm to the pinky finger)
- Wrist (from the elbow to the wrist)
These artificial limbs or arms replace missing hands and/or arms and are custom-made for each patient and can be used for several years or even a lifetime. In fact, custom orthotics and prosthetics are sometimes so high-quality that a person keeps using them throughout their life!
Upper-extremity prosthetics are often made of metal, plastic, or wood, depending on the patient’s needs. These artificial limbs may also be powered by an internal battery system.
What are lower-extremity prosthetics?
Lower-extremity prosthetics are used for people whose lower extremities were amputated due to illness, accident, or war. The most common types of lower-extremity prosthetics are below the knee.
These prosthetics can be made from several different materials, including plastic, metal, and wood. They may be covered with artificial skin that mimics the feel of human skin. Lower-extremity prosthetics or artificial limbs usually replace a lower extremity. They include prosthetic legs, arms, hands, and feet. Prosthetics can be made out of plastic or metal.
Lower-extremity prosthetics are used to restore function when a person loses a limb due to injury or disease. These devices help people regain mobility and independence by enabling them to take part in everyday activities.
There are many different types of lower-extremity prostheses available today. However, they all serve one purpose: replacing missing limbs with artificial ones that allow amputees to walk, run, and perform other daily functions without their former limitations.
These can easily replace the missing part of a person’s body. They can be used for a variety of reasons, including to help people regain their mobility, improve their quality of life, or prevent amputation.
The most common type of lower-extremity prosthetic is an above-the-knee prosthesis. The wearer wears this prosthesis on the end of a thigh stump and attaches it to the knee joint with screws or pins. The prosthesis allows him or her to perform most normal movements and activities like walking, running, and climbing stairs.
Lower extremity prosthetics are those that are used for the purpose of replacing a missing limb. These are not just any prosthetics; they are specifically designed to look like real limbs. The most common prosthetic limb is a bionic arm, which is made of titanium, carbon fiber, and other metals.
The lower extremity prosthetics are also known as artificial limbs or artificial feet. These are often used by amputees who have lost their hands or feet in an accident or disease. There are two types of lower-extremity prosthetics: functional and non-functional.
Functional ones can do more than just look like a real hand or foot, while non-functional ones only mimic these parts but cannot perform tasks such as picking up objects or walking on rough surfaces.
Wrapping up
There are many different types of prosthetics available today. One type is an artificial limb that replaces only one side of the body at a time. These limbs are often called “prosthetic limbs” but they are also referred to as “single-sided” and “bilateral” artificial limbs. These types of artificial limbs are typically used by patients who have lost their hands or feet due to accidents, diseases, or other causes such as war injuries.
Another type of prosthetic is an arm or leg that covers both sides of the body at once. These arms and legs are called “bilateral” artificial limbs because they cover both sides of the body at once rather than just one side like a single-sided arm would.
The different types of prosthetic limbs are made from different materials depending on their purpose.
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