
HealthcareEarly Warning Signs That You May Be Passing A Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are solid deposits of minerals and acid salts that form when concentrated urine congeals. Several patients pass a kidney stone while urinating without requiring medical assistance.

We sat down with Dr. Sumanta Mishra, one of the best urologists in Bhubaneswar, to discuss some early warning symptoms that a person may be passing a kidney stone.

Dr. Sumanta Mishra says that “Excess body weight, former medical conditions, and certain medications and supplements are just a few of the many causes of kidney stones.”

How do you recognize the signs that you’re about to pass a kidney stone naturally?

Kidney Stone Pain – An Initial Indication of Passing a Kidney Stone

Pain is the most obvious sign that a kidney stone has passed. It’s unpredictable and develops quickly.

Even though kidney stones are as small as a grain of sand, they can significantly impact.

You may be in a relaxed state, but suddenly you are in excruciating pain. You may find it challenging to get to the emergency room because of the pain.

Is it possible for something so insignificant to cause so much suffering?

When a stone tries to leave the kidney to pass through the funnel or the ureter but cannot do so, it causes a blockage or obstruction.

Some of the patients have had a kidney stone for up to 20 years. Unless they are in excruciating pain, they are unaware of its existence.

This pain indicates that the stone is attempting to pass through the funnel and into the bladder, where it will get flushed out of your body.

The Severity and Location of Kidney Stone Pain

The kidneys are located in the flank area. They’re also present in the back, just below the rib cage’s end.

Back pain can occur on either side of the spine. The side that the stone is in is determined by which kidney it is in.

Kidney stones usually form on one side of the body. As a result, pain occurs on one side only, either the right or left.

The pain, however, can vary and is not always on one side of the back.

Some patients experience abdominal pain or groin pain. The pain from kidney stones is felt first in the area around the kidneys. The pain gradually moves down to the groin.

Although the pain may not last long, it can be very intense. It could also be absurd, causing a stomach ache and persisting for a long time.

Non-obstructive kidney stones cause a lot of discomforts. When a kidney stone obstructs, it is stuck somewhere and causes a blockage in the kidney. You will experience severe pain.

Kidney stone pain also comes in waves. You experience excruciating pain, followed by a period of no pain. The discomfort comes and goes.

In terms of severity, location, and duration, each kidney stone patient has a unique pain.

Their thresholds differ as well. This erratic pattern makes it difficult to decipher what the body is experiencing and how it is hurting.

After the pain subsides, you may believe that you are doing well. However, it can cause reappearance just as quickly as before.

The recurring pain, especially if you haven’t seen the stone, is a sign that you haven’t passed it.

One of the first signs of passing a kidney stone is intense pain in the pelvic or lower back area that gets worse as you sit or lie down.

Other Signs You’ve Passed a Kidney Stone as per Dr.Sumanta Mishra.

Some people don’t show any kidney stone signs or symptoms at all. However, if you do experience the symptoms, it means you have a problem.

They warn you that you require the services of a kidney stone specialist. These signs and symptoms include:

Urine with blood

If the color of your urine changes to a shade of pink or red, you should be concerned.

While some foods and medications can alter the color of your urine, you should not disregard the symptom.

You will be in a better position to determine if you have a kidney stone or any other problem, such as prostate, kidney, or bladder cancer, if you consult with a urologist.

Vomiting and nausea

Kidney stones can cause stomach problems. This, however, will not be the same as the symptoms of food poisoning or stomach flu. The discomfort can be debilitating, making you feel nauseous or puking.

Chills and fever

People with kidney stones often experience flu-like symptoms. If you have a fever, chills, or shivering, you may have a kidney or urinary tract infection.

It’s also a symptom of something other than the passing of a kidney stone. Make sure you get medical help right away.

The flow is terrible

When a kidney stone obstructs, it not only hurts but also makes urination difficult. As the stone moves closer to the bladder, your need to urinate becomes more urgent. You may also experience a painful or burning sensation while peeing.

Make an appointment with a kidney stone specialist.

 The pain from kidney stones does not last long. It appears and vanishes on its own.

However, when you have kidney stone pain, don’t wait for the stone to pass or for other symptoms to appear.

You have no idea whether the kidney stone will pass on its own or for how long. As a result, take immediate action and seek medical assistance.

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