Digital Health Buzz!

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Digital Health Buzz! aims to be the destination of choice when it comes to what’s happening in the digital health world. We are not about news and views, but informative articles and thoughts to apply in your business.

By Insoo Park, CEO – Ecosense When radon monitoring reveals elevated indoor radon concentrations, homeowners must take immediate action. The consequences of ignoring the problem or delaying mitigation are severe. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon is the leading cause of non-smoking lung cancer deaths, accounting for the loss of an estimated 21,000 lives per year in the US alone. However, determining the best course for radon mitigation can be challenging. It requires that...


Pregnancy is a profound journey that marks a significant transformation in a woman’s life. The early symptoms of pregnancy can vary widely from one person to another but recognising these signs early can help in managing them effectively and planning ahead for a healthy pregnancy. Here, we explore the common early symptoms of pregnancy and offer insights into effective management strategies, including holistic approaches like acupuncture for pregnancy. Missed Period Perhaps the most definitive early...


Weight loss center can be your home! Try implementing the habits below one by one and then keep track of how you are doing. These habits all contribute to achieving your ‘permanent weight loss’ goal. Hang the habits somewhere visible and formulate a concrete action, which habit are you going to perform this month? 1. See fruit and vegetables as a basis It’s not without reason that fruit and vegetables are known as healthy food,...


Proper nutrition is the foundation of health and longevity for your pets. Super-premium foods are distinguished by their high quality and balanced composition, making them an excellent choice for caring owners. In this article, we will look at the foods from well-known brands such as Josera, Brit Care, and Hill’s. Understanding their features will help you choose the best diet for your cat or dog. Considering your pet’s individual needs, you can ensure optimal health...


In the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing, Instagram remains a powerhouse for influencers, businesses, and individuals looking to expand their reach and engagement. One of the critical strategies to enhance visibility on this platform is to buy Instagram followers and likes, a practice that has gained significant traction over the years. However, choosing a reliable service provider is crucial to avoid pitfalls like fake accounts or bot-generated interactions. Here, we present the top 5...


What Is Medical Weight Loss? Medical weight loss refers to a structured approach to losing weight under the supervision of healthcare professionals. This process involves a comprehensive program that combines medical, nutritional, behavioral, and physical components to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Medical weight loss programs are typically tailored to the individual needs of patients, taking into account their medical history, current health status, and weight loss goals. Specialist Supervision One of the primary...


The field of mental health continues to grow and change to meet the needs of our society. It’s here that two prominent figures stand out: the psychiatrist and the mental health coach. Both play vital roles in supporting mental wellness, but they serve distinctly different functions. As digital health tools and apps proliferate, choosing the right kind of support for your mental health can be daunting. Here, we break down the distinctions between these two...


In healthcare and medicine, the accuracy and clarity of written communication cannot be overstressed. Medical writing covers a broad spectrum, including clinical research reports, patient information leaflets, and regulatory documents. Each piece serves a critical purpose: to secure approval from regulatory bodies, inform clinical practice, or ensure patient safety. As such, clarity in medical writing ensures that information is conveyed without ambiguity, promoting better healthcare outcomes and facilitating effective regulatory reviews. Read on to learn...


So, you’re a therapist, and you’ve got the skills to help people navigate the twists and turns of life. But there’s one little hitch: you need the perfect space to do it. A space that’s inviting, calming, and professional. A place where clients feel safe and comfortable. But here’s the thing – your rental space isn’t just a backdrop for your sessions. It’s a powerful marketing tool. The First Impression: Curb Appeal Matters First impressions...


A cancer diagnosis can be an overwhelming life-altering event, affecting not only the patient but also their family, friends, and community. Navigating the physical, emotional, and logistical challenges of cancer requires a robust support network. These networks provide critical emotional support, practical assistance, and a sense of community, helping individuals affected by cancer to manage the journey with resilience and hope. This article explores the importance of support networks and offers guidance on how to...

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