Getting in better shape, whether it be through improving your diet or doing more exercise, is a common goal for many of us. In fact, losing weight and becoming more active are consistently the two most popular new year’s resolutions people make. However, as many people will know, making huge changes to your lifestyle overnight can be very difficult. Instead, you might find it is easier to make gradual, smaller changes to your daily habits. Here are 4 simple things you can do to live a healthier lifestyle.
Use Supplements to Improve Your Nutrition
No matter how healthy our diets are, it is likely that there will be some nutrients you are not getting enough of. It can thus be a good idea to incorporate supplements into your daily routine that cover these deficiencies. You can now even purchase personalized supplements depending on which nutrients you need the most. More generally, as we get older, there will be parts of our health that we wish were better. In these instances, taking a daily women’s or mens probiotic supplement can help improve things like your eyesight, immune system, and overall digestive health.
Switch to Healthier Carbohydrate Sources
Carbohydrates form a large part of what we eat on a daily basis, but they can also be frustrating when trying to eat healthily, due to their high-calorie content. And while it is true there are certain diets out there that entirely restrict your intake of carbohydrates, it is often unrealistic to stick to these for long periods of time. Fortunately, not all carbohydrates are created equally. By switching white flour-based foods for wholewheat alternatives, such as brown bread and multigrain rice and pasta, you can easily increase the number of nutrients and fiber in your diet, without changing your food habits radically at all. However. It is important to note that they still contain a sizeable amount of calories.
Incorporate Yogurt into Your Diet
Another small change to your diet you can make that can make you feel a lot healthier is by eating Greek yogurt. It is a great source of protein, which can help you feel fuller and therefore reduce your appetite. It also contains less lactose than regular yogurt, meaning it has less fat and carbohydrates. In addition, you can mix Greek yogurt with fresh fruits and granola, as a simple way of adding more healthy foods and fiber to your daily routine.
Stay Active When Working
If you work in an office or a different profession that requires a lot of sitting down, you may have heard about the negative effects doing so can have on your long-term health. If this applies to you, you should thus try to get up and move at least once an hour, even if this is as simple as stretching your legs around the office for 5 minutes. This can not only have notable physical health benefits but also improve your mental health, too.

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