Developing healthy self-esteem and body image in girls from a young age is hugely important. With the immense pressures and unrealistic beauty standards girls face today on social media and in wider culture, it’s sadly all too common for girls to struggle with low self-worth, lack confidence in their bodies, and engage in negative self-talk. As parents, teachers, foster parents, or role models to young girls, we must take action to nurture self-love, spread positive messages, and create environments where girls can build resilience against these toxic pressures.
Simple Ways to Make a Meaningful Difference
The ways we can make a difference start small but can create enormous change. Complimenting girls on aspects unrelated to appearance, highlighting their talents, wit, and kindness helps reinforce inner value. If they negatively compare themselves to friends or celebrities, gently challenge the comparison by emphasising their own uniqueness. We should also be mindful of the language we use around girls’ bodies, avoiding terms that objectify or solely focus on aesthetics.
In addition, it is important to note that foster children may have experienced trauma and neglect before being placed in care, which could impact their self-esteem and lead them to form negative beliefs about their bodies and more. This is something the therapeutic foster care model can help with.
The Power of Leading by Example
Leading by example is also impactful. Confidently embracing your own body and speaking positively about yourself in front of girls demonstrates self-love in action. Calling out and constructively discussing poor media representations when you spot them can open up valuable conversations. You can also suggest female role models you admire who challenge beauty ideals and emphasise self-care over appearance.
Creating Safe Spaces for Girls to Share Struggles
At school and home, encouraging open dialogue around body image issues is key for girls’ formative years. Provide safe spaces for girls to share pressures they face and frustrations they feel, so struggles are not bottled up. Boost their media literacy by exploring social media ads and magazines together, asking questions like “Who is the target audience here?” and “What messages do you think this sends?” Arm girls to identify and reject unrealistic messaging.
Encouraging Activities That Celebrate Girls’ Bodies and Talents
The activities we engage girls in also shape self-perception. Sports, dance, and creative arts that connect girls with what their marvellous bodies can achieve help them recognise their power and talents over simply how they look. Let girls take the lead in what interests them rather than gently pushing gendered activities. Surrounding girls with peers and women who celebrate one another’s strengths also contributes to positive embodiment over time.
Planting Seeds of Self-Love That Will Last a Lifetime
While the road to genuine self-love is lifelong, by taking heart-centred action we can steady girls against the bumps ahead. Our words, role modelling, and influence hold great power – so let’s use them to nurture the self-esteem of girls today to create a generation of women less damaged by beauty standards, and more empowered by self-worth that radiates from within.

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