
Mental HealthFacing An Emotional Crisis? How to Care of Your Mental Health in Hard Times

Our mental and emotional health matters as much as our physical health. It impacts just about every aspect of our lives so it can never be neglected. Life comes with its challenges, and it can result in difficult emotions that we have to navigate and work through. Thankfully, we’re now in an age where opening up about our struggles is embraced, and there are many more resources for anyone who needs help.

We have all experienced some form of trauma in our lives, and it impacts us whether we like to admit it or not. The truth is any negative experience in our lives can stay with us, and do a lot of harm to our emotional balance. It can be anything from grief, divorce, traumatic injury, to a house break in or the loss of a job. These experiences can shake up our own sense of safety, stability and control in our lives, and that can leave us feeling panicked, fearful, vigilant or depressed. If you have experienced a trauma, you definitely need to be able to address it because it will impact your mental health and even your relationships. Here are some helpful things you should do, and things to avoid.

Don’t Be Ashamed

When you’re going through a rough time, remember not to be ashamed or to feel like you’re weak for facing challenges. Feeling ashamed about your struggles can actually make it harder to get the healing you need, so instead of beating yourself up and piling on more emotional distress, don’t feel bad for not being okay.

Don’t Hold It In

Keeping our emotional struggles to ourselves might seem like the natural thing to do, but it actually makes things so much worse. Many people suffer in silence because they don’t think they can be vulnerable, or that opening up makes them a burden to others. The truth is, keeping negative and distressing emotions to yourself can be incredibly harmful. It increases your feelings of isolation, which actually deepens your depression and sense of hopelessness. Instead of bottling in your emotions, talk to someone. It doesn’t even have to be a family member or a friend. You can discreetly hire a therapist you can talk to openly and honestly. Talking to someone will make you feel better, and also put you on the path to solutions.

Don’t Fall Into Negative Coping Mechanisms

When we’re going through a hard time, there are certain behaviors and activities that we can use to cope that aren’t healthy or helpful. For some it’s alcohol and drugs, for others it’s comfort eating or shopping. Either way, these activities do a lot of harm, and ultimately, they don’t address the underlying problem. While it’s easy to reach for another drink, the real solution is truly dealing with the emotions and the underlying trauma.

So when you don’t feel okay, what actions can you take to address it and overcome the challenging emotions?

Do Seek Professional Help

Mental health professionals and resources exist to help you through challenging emotional times, and you should definitely consider leaning on them. Professionals can help you navigate the emotions and guide you through the healing process in a healthier way. Whatever you’re going through, there’s a mental health professional who can help you through it, and there are so many options you can choose from according to what suits your schedule and your needs. You can check into a facility, have a therapist talk to you via Zoom, or you can sign up for an intensive outpatient program that gives you a lot of support. The key is getting the help you need so you can move forward in your life as a happier individual.

Do Unplug

Social media is a great way to keep up with people, but it can also be the source of our anxiety and depression. At this point it is well-documented that social media is contributing to a lot of negative emotions and self-esteem issues. If you consume a lot of social media, you might find yourself feeling bad about yourself, and if this persists, it might be time to consider a social media cleanse where you delete the platforms. It will give you a lot of perspective, allow you to focus on the present and reduce a lot of the negative emotions that come with seeing people’s seemingly happier lives online.

Do Get Some Rest

Burnout is a very real factor contributing to people’s anxiety and depression. If you’re constantly on the go, working all the time with little to no time to recharge, it can affect you emotionally and leave you feeling like you have nothing left to give. Consider taking time off, getting plenty of sleep and spending time in nature. It will recharge your batteries and allow you the time and space to start feeling like yourself again.

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