It’s not hard to see why online counselling is growing in popularity. We now live in a technology dominated society; tech is a huge part of modern life – especially for millennials. Some may be skeptical, but e-therapy undoubtedly has some clear benefits.
The Advantages of Online Therapy
Accessibility for Those with Physical Limitations
Online therapy provides accessibility to individuals who are disabled or housebound. Mobility can be a big issue when it comes to accessing
Convenience & Comfort
Many people with
Since, with e- therapy, you will be attending therapy sessions online in the comfort of your own home, you can often schedule your therapy sessions for times that are the most convenient for you.
Great for Mothers
This factor – the sessions being at home, even means you could have therapy whilst still caring for your baby or child.
A Good Option for Remote Areas
Online therapy offers access to
No Waiting Lists
GPs have long waiting lists whereas online therapy can can be instant. This is clearly an excellent thing for everyone in need but especially important for those with severe depression – they can’t afford to wait a while – especially if they may be suicidal.
Some online therapy may offer typed messaging therapy which may not be a great idea for many requiring detailed
However, we at Dr Julian offer video call therapy, which is essentially face to face therapy, just in the comfort of your own home and at your own convenience.
All of our therapists at Dr Julian are professionally trained and accredited.
Dr.Julian Nesbitt
Dr Julian Nesbitt now GP and previous A&E Doctor and founder of the Dr Julian Platform for online mental healthcare: I have been interested in mental healthcare since my schooldays. To me there is nothing more interesting than how the brain and mind functions. I have seen first hand the difficulties that people face with mental health problems and through my years of experience have seen an increasing number of people suffering with these issues. Working in Accident and Emergency I was on the front line, where people are at their most vulnerable with many having just tried to end their lives. A large number told me they had ended up in this situation as they were unable to access prior help. Working in GP surgeries and in secondary psychiatric units I have also seen how the current provisions and funding given to mental health are inadequate. Having waiting lists of 6 weeks or even longer for a therapy session is inappropriate and therefore I have made it my mission to try and provide quality therapy and mental healthcare in an accessible form. I have seen the likes of UBER® transform the taxi market by utilizing technology and I wanted to bring technology to the forefront of mental health care and therapy by making it more widely available. There is already high quality evidence proving that online video technology works for mental healthcare. I therefore set up Dr Julian with the aim of bringing therapy into people’s homes and to give them the convenience of having an appointment with whoever they want, when they want and where they want. We believe in improving accessibility for mental healthcare and wellbeing in the UK.