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Dan’s Plumbing, a leading name in the Australian plumbing industry, recently announced it was backing Beyond Blue, a leading mental health support organisation in Australia. This support underscores Dan’s Plumbing’s unwavering commitment to make a lasting, positive impact on the mental health and overall well-being of Australians. In a world increasingly burdened by unprecedented mental health challenges, Australia, too, has felt the weight of this issue. The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated stressors have taken...


The internet has brought us together in unprecedented ways, enabling us to transcend geographical boundaries and share our stories and experiences. The digital age has transformed the way we communicate with one another, consume information, and share our feelings. We’ve entered an era of global connectivity, allowing us to interact with friends and acquaintances from all corners of the globe. Yet, it has also ushered in an era of isolation and loneliness for many of...


Pursuing a career in nursing is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding yet challenging choices an individual can make. As noble as the profession is, it has its share of emotional, physical, and mental tolls. Given the demanding nature of their work, nurses often battle high-stress levels, which can adversely affect their health. Thankfully, there’s several strategies that can help nurses find their balance. Here are 5 tips to help nurses prioritize mental health in...


Technology has undoubtedly brought us closer together, yet the prevalence of texting can sometimes reduce our conversations to little more than surface-level exchanges. In the context of romantic relationships, this lack of depth may even hinder connection and growth. Fortunately, shifting from texting to deeper, more meaningful conversations is not an impossible task. In this article, we will explore tips and techniques to help couples elevate their communication and build a solid foundation for love...


In the 21st century, treating mental disorders involves more than just talk therapy and medication. In traditional talk therapy, patients with mental health issues frequently find it difficult to disclose their most intimate feelings to a stranger. In contrast, supplements offer only temporary relief. The beauty of functional Medicine, however, lies in its integration with a number of out-of-the-box therapeutic approaches, like nutritional support, lifestyle changes, and mind-body techniques. It not only enhances overall well-being...


Navigating the world of foster care is a journey for both the foster carer and the foster child. Together, you will embark on a path to ensure the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing of the child in care. Because of this, a holistic approach to mental wellbeing is not just essential, but transformative. Let’s delve deeper into why this method works. The Whole-Child Approach It’s not enough to view a foster child solely through the...


Neuropsychological testing integrates psychology, psychometrics, neuroscience, clinical neuropsychology, and psychiatry to assess brain functioning in children, adults, or elderly. Testing assesses one’s ability to reason and conceptualize, recall and understand spoken and written language, and collaborate the senses of vision, hearing, touch, and smell to perform skilled, calibrated movements. Neuropsychological testing identifies patterns of disruption in one’s abilities that could indicate brain dysfunction. When is Neuropsychological Testing Needed? Neuropsychological testing is indicated where the nature...


In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the ways in which a divorce can impact our physical and mental health… Divorce can take a toll on both your body and mind. It’s a major life event that can mess with your physical and emotional health in big ways. From wrangles over a divorce financial settlement to battles over child custody, a divorce can have a big impact. In this article, we’ll be looking at...


By Dr. Kamilah Stevenson, Licensed Counselor & Health Coach Each of us has reserves of inner strength that can come to our assistance even when times seem darkest. By understanding what emotional strength is, as well as how to tap into it, you can unleash your resilience and step into your best future. Understanding emotional strength In my experience, many people misunderstand the true meaning of emotional strength. They seek to suppress their emotions, believing...


Now&Me, a mental wellness application, is taking the world by storm. It comes under the top 100 mental wellness apps and provides people with what they genuinely long for – authentic connections with instant guidance and support. When we talk about affordable online therapy in India, we instantly think of a psychologist sitting with a client and helping them navigate through the difficulties of life. But when it comes to therapy, there is a lot...

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