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Cost-benefit analysis and building CEM models https://digitalho.com/cost-effectiveness-modelling/  is an essential step in developing a new medical product and bringing it to market. Also, this tool allows estimating the value for money and the costs borne during the entire life of a patient. Analysis of cost-effectiveness in health care Cost-effectiveness analysis is a process that allows to calculate the ratio of the result of treatment  (health gain) and the costs that ensure this result. For example,...


The Italian healthcare market is among the largest in the EU and boasts a high level of innovation. It is rife with opportunities for startups and established businesses. The profit potential is big, whether you plan to foray into healthcare establishments, pharmaceuticals, or medical device manufacturing domains.  Not surprisingly, entrepreneurs from around the world want to try their luck in the booming industry. But setting up a healthcare business takes more than registering it for...


While careers across sectors have changed drastically in the last few years, few industries have witnessed quite the same number of changes as healthcare. Demand was high, the pressure was high, and the safety of employees and patients alike were at risk. All these factors combined led to massive changes to the way that healthcare careers are managed, with new important career trends emerging that every medical professional and soon-to-be medical professional must take note...


Healthcare issues are quite serious in our society. In the US alone, over 45 million people have some health problem. That’s over 15% of the entire population. When you look at the poor health that Americans face, it’s no wonder that the healthcare industry is so big. The healthcare industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. The average person will spend over $1,000 on health care per year. The right healthcare website can mean the difference...


The COVID-19 outbreak has caused significant and enduring disruption to the medical coding jobs in the United States, including in hospitals and medical institutions. There are 11.3 million job openings in the United States as of February 2022, but only 6.3 million unemployed workers. When faced with a labor shortage, hospitals’ first inclination is to hire more aggressively or turn to pricey, short-term contractors. However, there are other approaches that can alleviate some of the stress...


The healthcare industry is a vital market that keeps societies running, healthy, and functional. Not only is the healthcare industry important, but it is also growing. As the growth of the older generations continues, the need for more analytics in healthcare and solutions also booms. All of this means that starting a business in the healthcare industry can be a great option. However, just because the market is available to businesses, that does not mean...


Patient expectations have changed tremendously over the years, with many of them seeking comprehensive healthcare services that are quicker, affordable, and more effective than before. The demand for advanced healthcare services was further propelled by the pandemic-induced restrictions that compelled healthcare practitioners to resort to more online ways of serving patients. Thanks to healthcare digital marketing, there are oceans of information available online that have made the patients more like consumers who, unlike before, are...


The age of healthcare consumerism is here and patients are taking on a greater role in both managing and paying for their health services. The shift comes with more informed patients, now considering cost and quality of care during their decision-making process. Patients now have more access to data about their healthcare options and the power to make more informed decisions about their care. With increased access to the internet, whether on a desktop, mobile...


It’s said that the cost of healthcare in the United States has rapidly increased during the past several decades. Further, it has been a cause of concern for both the healthcare community as well as patients and other concerned stakeholders. A study conducted on adult participants found a significant number of people choose not to undergo medical care when ill due to the fear of how it’d impact their finances. For medical personnel treating patients,...


When you are planning to improve your health business, you might want to look for tools that can make running your business easier and that can help to ensure that all of your processes run smoothly. As such, here are some of the best tools for health businesses in 2022. 3D Printers 3D printing can be extremely useful for many types of health businesses, as it can allow businesses to create medical devices that have...

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