Today we take modern medicine for granted, since the industrial revolution era we have been taking modern medicines for almost any ailment but, long before the advent of the medicines that we are prescribed in today’s society natural remedies were considered to be the best and sometimes the only way to treat and maintain our wellbeing.
1: Alternative medicine and the benefits
Modern medicines have undoubtedly been beneficial to us all at some stage in our life but there are consequences for many of us. The side effects of today’s medicine are clear to us all, doctors have been warning us for a long time now to not rely on antibiotics for every small problem due to our body’s ability to become immune or less receptive to treatment for a more urgent situation. Now you can walk down any shopping mall or street and you will find health stores filled with many products and enthusiastic staff willing to help. The range of healthy and natural products is surprising to many, a healthy body means a happier frame of mind, a happier family life and we are more productive in our work environment. For more information on alternative medicine please visit the online Ganz Gesund Health Practice in Zurich.
2: Taking the holistic approach and its advantages
One of the many benefits of taking a holistic approach as opposed to modern medicine is the health benefits. A regular health routine including a gentle stroll, cycling, jogging with friends, or swimming can all bring excellent benefits for the body and mind. These and many other routines can help with existing health issues and help prevent future problems to your health.
Coupled with alternative medicine and health routines the holistic lifestyle will naturally change your health.
3: The benefits of a healthy diet
In the fast-paced society in which we live today, we fail to maintain a well-balanced diet. One of the most important aspects of health is something many of us neglect. Fast food, microwave meals, and sugary drinks all laden with chemicals have become all too common for many, including children.
This does not have to be the case. Not maintaining a healthy balanced diet can lead to many long terms and short term health risks that can potentially be avoided. Included are diabetes, multiple stomach problems, cardiovascular
A move to a more whole food and plant-based diet or Mediterranean diet which is based on high fiber and is excellent for your stomach and bowels. You will be amazed by some of the food you’ve never tried and it is all so nutritious and a natural source of vitamins, the benefits will be almost immediate and long-lasting.
4: Preventative alternative medicine is often better than reactive modern medicine
The main reason most of us take modern medicine is to cure an existing medical condition but, many alternative medicines and holistic therapies will help to prevent the onset of potentially long-lasting health issues. Prevention is always better than cure and boosting our body’s natural immune systems can help to prevent any future ailments and give a continued quality of life.
Simply by taking an approach to alternative and preventive medicine we can produce and reduce many of the medical conditions that could have been avoided. Today’s health care systems throughout the globe are designed to react to health issues we are suffering from currently but many of these problems could have been prevented with alternative medicine. Alternative medicine can also be used to help cure or relieve illnesses that many suffer from currently.
Alternative herbal medicine has been estimated by the World Health Organization that almost 80% of the earth’s population currently uses some form of alternative medicine for conditions such as chronic fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, and allergic reactions amongst many other underlying health issues.
5: The benefits of massage
Massage therapy is known to have been used for over 3000 years, originating in India the practice has been known as an alternative medicine ever since. There are so many positive aspects to massage that the practice is flourishing today and for good reason. The list of benefits are considerable and time tested.
1: Relaxation: the key to a healthy body and mind
2: Increased flexibility and joint mobility
3: Aid in the recovery of soft tissue injuries
4: Helps to improve circulation
5: Reduce anxiety and insomnia
6: High blood pressure
7: Chronic back pain
These are just some of the positive attributes of alternative massage therapy, and there are many more to improve the quality of your life.
Alternative medicine in all its many different forms should be embraced by all for a better quality of life.
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