There is a category of people who categorically refuse to go to the doctor even if they feel very bad. There are people who don’t go to preventive examinations on the principle: “If I don’t have any pain, then there’s nothing wrong with me. Are they choosing the right tactics? Today, with the support of a guide for drugs, we will see:
- Why do you need to see a doctor?
- What can lead to neglecting medical care?
- Reasons for fear of going to the doctor.
- How often do you need to go to the Doctor?
- Are men more afraid of doctors?
Why should you go to the doctor?
Of course, the answer to the first question is simple: to get treatment. However, it is no secret that the official medics are far from being angels. It happens that a person once in his life faced with a rude or incompetent doctor and then categorically refuses any medical care. This is a fundamentally wrong approach: doctors are different, as well as people, so to be offended and go on principle, in this case, is just stupid and unserious.
It does not hurt to go to the clinic at least once a year – for a routine preventive examination. Analysis of urine, blood, ECG, and other studies can help to identify serious diseases in their early stages and prescribe treatment that will be effective. In addition, every sane person probably knows all his or her own “chronic ailments”. They also need to be periodically monitored, preventing their exacerbation and in time to treat raging sciatica with a good neurologist or osteopath. Sometimes it happens that the medicine prescribed by the doctor several years ago to treat some chronic pathology for some reason ceases to work. It is imperative that you see your doctor and have another check-up to get a new medication that is suitable for the mechanism and intensity of action.
It’s better not to go to the doctor?
Unfortunately, the number of “psychics”, “magicians” and “healers” of all kinds in our country sometimes plays a fatal role in people’s lives. It is no secret that among the colorful “healers galaxy” there are frankly unscrupulous and incompetent people who sometimes even discourage their clients from visiting professional doctors. Unfortunately, the situation in American health care sometimes also leaves much to be desired, but this does not mean that you need to harm your health and listen to the “recommendations” of dubious individuals with no medical training.
Sometimes it happens that the hypersensitive and superstitious people who believe in the “evil eye” or “spoilage” for months and years go to healers and fortune-tellers, repeating like a mantra, the famous motto: “You better not go to the doctors: they heal and torture, and Mary the healer just said that I have spoilage and not an ordinary disease. Unfortunately, these people most often die of cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and other systemic diseases – only because they did not receive timely treatment and assistance.
Why do people fear going to the doctor?
Fear of going to the doctor is often related to the fact that a person “feels uncomfortable sitting in line,” “undergoing procedures and tests because it’s painful and unpleasant” – and so on. However, if you proceed from this principle, you can hurt yourself much more, and the pain and suffering, which will certainly increase due to the progression of the disease, will be much worse than the unpleasant feelings that occur when giving injections, FGDS, or taking blood tests.
Often people tend to believe many stories about physicians’ negligence. Of course, such cases do occur, but not to the extent that particularly “diligent” journalists try to exaggerate. Nevertheless, if somebody gets injured because of medical negligence, he or she can file a claim against the doctor, nurse, or staff. As per the experts at, negligent healthcare workers can be held liable for compensation. Before going to the clinic, it is better to set yourself in a positive mood, knowing that ignoring the alarming symptoms can lead to much worse consequences than a momentary pain injection in the “soft spot”. Promise yourself that after the successful outcome of some unpleasant procedure you will definitely reward yourself – for example, go to a nice restaurant, cafe or just shopping.
How often should you visit a doctor?
It is recommended to have a general preventive check-up once a year. It is better for women to visit a gynecologist once every six months (also for preventive purposes), and ladies aged 40 years and older could use an annual check-up with a mammalogist.
The dentist should be visited once a year, so as not to worsen the condition of the mouth and gums. If necessary, be sure to undergo treatment; fortunately, modern methods of anesthesia used by dentists make dental fillings painless and comfortable.
Why don’t men go to the doctor?
To some, it may seem surprising, but some men are sometimes much more afraid of blood and doctors than women. In addition, they often consider themselves strong and invulnerable, neglecting the first symptoms of a disease. This is especially characteristic of the younger generation, which grew up on movies about supermen and “tough” private detectives, characterized by enviable invulnerability. It is very difficult to persuade such a “hero” to go to the doctor. Often a man goes to the hospital only when “I have such a pain that I can no longer stand it. It is almost impossible to fight it.
Of course, you should not run to the clinic at the first opportunity, constantly looking for nonexistent diseases (there are such people in the world too). However, you can not ignore the alarming and real symptoms, and if they occur, it is better to see a good doctor as soon as possible. As for people with serious phobias (fear of blood, fear of doctors, etc.), they should be treated by a psychotherapist and then they will be able to come to medical institutions and get the help they need more calmly.
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