It would be naive to say or even think that technology has not affected each and every aspect of human life. It is ever-transforming, growing, and spreading across the world. Like everything else that is a part of our life, technology has also affected healthcare in a huge way. In all honesty, most people think that healthcare should be the primary focus of technology. The aspects surrounding healthcare have changed considerably since the advancement of technology and it has had a positive impact since then.
Data and healthcare
Since we have been able to efficiently log, store and manage data it has changed the way we keep track of everything. This of course has made a huge impact on the healthcare industry too where data is probably more important than any other place. Data in healthcare is used for various important functions like hospital staffing, inventory tracking, drug prescription tables, preventive care, and so on.
Wearable Medical Devices
With the advancement in technology, people realized that it is easier to track health on a more regular basis now. People shifted from going for a health check-up when something goes wrong to constantly tracking their health to prevent anything wrong from happening. They are able to do this because technology has given them things like exercise trackers, calorie trackers, heart-rate sensors, sweat meters, oximeters, and so on. These devices can be worn around like a watch and can wear the user of any abnormality or downward trend.
VR and AR
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are two different things but both have found uses in the medical line that simply can not be ignored. While VR is a virtual reality where everything is virtual, AR is an augmentation of reality. Both of these come in handy in several cases in healthcare like healthcare training, medical operations, major and minor surgeries, healthcare advice, and so on. Even smaller branches of healthcare like podiatry Foot & Ankle Specialty Group have found efficient use of VR and AR. According to experts, this technology is still developing and will be a game-changer in the future.
Artificial Intelligence
We all know what AI is and we all understand that its self-learning and constantly evolving algorithms make AI a very interesting component, especially in healthcare. The ability of an AI to make split-second decisions after computing millions of factors and giving the best possible way ahead to patients is probably a blessing that we are yet to accept. AI still needs a lot of work to be done and needs to be perfected before it can be bright onboard to control the health of our fellow citizens.
Medicine, hardware, and software
Probably the highest and the brightest impact of technology on healthcare can be seen in the fact that medicine is now more advanced than ever, medical equipment has cutting edge technology and software has become advanced enough to assist in major operations. The machines and software being used in the medical line today are highly advanced and we have the technology to thank for it.
Technology has obviously affected our lives in a positive manner but its most positive effect can be seen on the medical line. It is helping humanity fight diseases, disabilities, surgeries that seemed impossible, and so on. It is not that difficult to see and predict that the involvement of technology in this sector of our life will only keep on increasing.
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