While ageing affords you several advantages, such as retirement and increased leisure time, there are a few disadvantages that come with it too. While we may not always want to acknowledge it, our bodies typically aren’t as strong and spry as they once were. This can present additional risks to our daily activities, as our mobility sometimes fails to meet our demands. This results in an increased risk of falling, which can be dangerous.
In fact, it’s estimated that one in four older individuals fall every year, with falls being the leading cause of injury for people over the age of 65. This can be an intimidating fact to confront, as you don’t want your daily life to be limited by a need for safety. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to reduce your risk of falling without restricting your ability to tackle any tasks or activities. While senior living communities, such as themanorvillage.com, have implemented preventative measures to ensure your safety, there are also a few initiatives that you can undertake on your own. Let’s explore a few options.
Stay Physically Active
Regular exercise ensures that your muscles remain strong and allows your joints, tendons, and ligaments to stay flexible. This strength and dexterity enables you to move about with more confidence, as your body has the ability to tackle more physically demanding tasks.
Stand Up Slowly
Even at a young age, standing up too quickly could make your head rush and your body dizzy. But as you age, you tend to lose your sense of balance. Therefore, it’s important to take your time when standing up, thus preventing potential dizzy spells.
Choose Your Footwear Wisely
Proper footwear can actually aid in your safety. Shoes that have rubber soles, laces, and a low to nonexistent heel are the best option, as they offer stability and support. Moving about your home in socks or soft-soled slippers can be dangerous, as the lack of traction can send you flying if you turn a corner too quickly.
Slip-Proof The Bathroom
If there were ever to be a fall, it would be in the bathroom. Between the act of showering and the process of stepping out of the bath, water and slippery floors do not make a great combination. Utilize non-slip mats and handrails in the tub and place a sturdy bath mat outside the shower for when you step out. Plus, don’t be afraid to install a shower seat, as it’s better to be safe than sorry. As well, many find it helpful to have the option of a handheld showerhead, as it allows you to control the flow of water.
Read Up On Medication Side Effects
If you’re on any medication, take the time to read potential side effects. A shockingly large number of them include dizziness as a possibility, but medications are rarely a set prescription. Speak to your doctor if you’re concerned about the side effects, and they may choose to try a similar medication from a different brand.
Check The Stairs
Stairs seem to be a tripping hazard for nearly everyone, regardless of age, so take the time to ensure your stairs aren’t making your life harder. First, confirm that your handrail is properly secured to your wall. Handrails are designed to offer additional support and safety when travelling up and down the stairs, so you don’t want a slight wobble to throw you off balance.
Next, check that your stairs are free from any tripping hazards. Children, in particular, seem to love leaving toys on the stairs, so after a visit from the grandchildren, ensure there’s nothing that will impede your movements.
Finally, consider installing a stairlift. Sometimes you can’t avoid homes with stairs, but that shouldn’t stop you from moving between floors safely.
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