Donating blood is a wonderful thing to do. It’s a way of helping people at little cost to yourself. Most people are nervous about giving blood.
That’s understandable. The idea of having a liter of blood drained from your body is enough to make you queasy. But there’s no need to be nervous.
As long as you’re prepared, the process should be smooth. Here are five easy ways to make your trip to the blood bank smoother.
1. Sleep
A good night’s sleep is the key to success.
Without sleep, you won’t be able to do much properly. You might not even be able to make it to the donation site because you’re too tired!
So, go to bed early if you need to. Wake up with enough time that you won’t be stressed. If your blood pressure is high, you won’t be able to donate.
Donating blood is tiring. Your body relies on blood to function properly.
Taking out a liter of blood won’t harm you long-term. But it will make you tired. And you might not feel quite like yourself.
Take it easy the night before you donate.
2. Detox
You should show up in a clean state.
Your body doesn’t need to be perfect to donate. When you go to donate, they will have a list of what medications are and aren’t allowed.
If you like to smoke weed, you might be wondering if this eliminates you. Smoking cannabis and donating blood or plasma is not a problem.
Showing up to donate high, however, is a problem. If your judgment seems impaired or you don’t seem to be sober, the clinic will turn you away.
Additionally, cannabis and other drugs can raise your blood pressure. And if your blood pressure is higher than usual, you won’t be able to donate. So, it’s best to stay away from weed for a day.
But then you can reward yourself once it’s over!
Everyone needs a break from weed every once in a while. If you smoke every day, you’ll start to build up a tolerance. That means you’ll always need to smoke more weed to feel the effects.
That’s expensive and ruins the fun. Take a break, and while you’re at it, don’t drink alcohol or take any other drugs before donating blood.
3. Eat Well
You need to be strong to give up that much blood.
Have a healthy breakfast or lunch. Maybe eat a bit more than you normally would. You are going to be losing lots of fluids.
You can treat yourself once the donation is over.
While it’s important to have a good meal, you shouldn’t go overboard. Eating things that you aren’t used to might upset your stomach. It could alter your body in other ways, too.
For things to go as smoothly as possible, you need to feel your best. And the best way to do that is with a good meal.
4. Hydrate
Most people are dehydrated without knowing it.
The amount of water you should drink per day differs from person to person. Athletes, for example, need more water than people who aren’t active.
If you live in extreme heat, you probably need more water, too.
There are many benefits to drinking water throughout the day. Your body is made mostly of water. A lot of that water is found in the blood.
When you give up a liter of blood, you’re losing a liter of liquid. Be prepared by staying hydrated.
If you don’t have time to drink lots of water, try an electrolyte drink.
5. Dress Properly
You don’t need to show up looking your best.
However, you are going to have to make your arm ready.
It’s not a bad idea to wear a shirt that is easy to roll up. If you’re wearing a heavy sweater, you’ll probably have to take it off. If you don’t have a good shirt and have to take it off, they might give you a hospital gown.
Dressing comfortably isn’t a bad idea, either. It’s important that you feel at ease.
Donating blood shouldn’t be scary. As long as you’re well-prepared, things should go smoothly.
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