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Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in healthcare, with the potential to transform the way we diagnose and treat diseases. In this post, we’ll explore what artificial intelligence is, how it can be used in healthcare and the benefits of using it. What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans. AI systems are designed to learn from...


Wherever AI systems and algorithms are used within the corporate world to help make decisions for an individual, and where data is collected and stored, there is a genuine need for transparency and AI explainability. This is linked to the EU and UK GDPR and the right to be informed as an individual. We all have the right to understand why and how our data is being collected, as well as how it will be...


Artificial intelligence is getting better and better by the year. At this point in time, AI isn’t even the future, it’s the present. The possibilities are endless, and the quick advancements in medicine due to AI are going to surprise and excite the world. Everyone has heard of artificial intelligence, but what exactly is it? According to Oracle, artificial intelligence refers to systems that mimic human intelligence, and improve iteratively through data collection. The more...


With big data, healthcare institutions use artificial intelligence to aid medical decision-making. Artificial Intelligence is growing fast and is touching almost every industry somehow. In healthcare, there are a lot of real-world applications of AI. In fact, from the diagnosis of certain diseases to creating the next new wonder drug, AI has a role to play. Let’s check out artificial intelligence and find out some real-life applications. What Is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is...


By Susan Roy 70 percent of people have experienced a traumatic event. Only some of them go on to develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) such as flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and insomnia. The condition can be debilitating and is associated with higher risks of suicide and substance abuse. To diagnose PTSD, mental health providers have traditionally relied on their own more subjective interviews of patients and patients’ self-reporting. Now, machine learning technologies may...


There’s never been a better time to enter the healthcare industry, but there’s also never been a more competitive era to take the dive. There are new healthcare industry innovations coming out every day, and while patients love these developments, doctors and healthcare providers may struggle to keep up and compete in the industry. Of course, this has hurt private practices’ bottom lines. Today, we have doctors eager to increase their patient load and interested...


Weka’s Limitless Data Platform™, the fastest-growing data platform for modern enterprise workloads from WekaIO™ (Weka), facilitates more and bigger science research faster than any other solution for the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF). Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, OMRF is an independent, nonprofit biomedical research institute with more than 450 staff and over 50 labs studying cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and diseases of aging. Established in 1946, OMRF is dedicated to understanding and developing...


Technology has already changed our daily lives in ways that would have been thought impossible just a few decades ago. Medical technology specifically has come a long way, but it still has a long way to go. The advent of artificial intelligence will inevitably lead to major advancements in medical science that can help doctors predict and better understand diseases before they threaten lives. Here is a look at how AI could be used to help in...


We live in an ever-changing world. Many technological advances that are commonplace in today’s world were at one point viewed as science fiction. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is one such example. With it being used in various applications, AI has single-handedly transformed many different industries. In this article, we will take a closer look at how AI has positively impacted the healthcare industry. How AI Has Transformed The Healthcare Sector Technical advancements that have entered...


Millions of IVF babies have been born through IVF, but a significant number of cycles still fail our patients. There is a lot of room for improvement in infertility healthcare, among them are, to get patients pregnant faster, reduce treatment “dropout”, and reduce embryo “wastage” and more. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to enhance our diagnostic and prognostic capabilities, minimize variability and error, and maximize precision and speed of IVF treatment. AI tools- despite...

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