
HomeCategory Artificial Intelligence


At the 2019 HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition, Infinx Healthcare (www.infinx.com) unveiled its new Prior Authorization Determination Engine. This feature combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically determine if a prior authorization is required for imaging procedures. This innovative approach will save healthcare providers valuable time, resources, and money when scheduling procedures. Infinx’s proprietary engine is the result of intensive research, design, and testing by its dedicated artificial intelligence and machine learning team, as...


By Rohan D’Souza, Head of Product, KenSci Introduction Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have taken a traditionally conservative industry by storm. Every day, you hear about another exciting news story being discussed in and around the hallways of the world’s leading healthcare institutions. AI has moved from buzzword to well-recognized industry term, one that executives believe will be a catalyst to propel their organizations into the age of digital transformation. Why do so many believe...


In the fight between health insurers and patients, I have seen that healthcare providers are caught squarely in the middle, which can be a costly position. The provider’s battle begins before the patient enters the medical facility. Studies show that providers can spend as many as 20 hours a week getting preauthorization for their patients. It is a lengthy process that can cost each provider an average of $83,000 annually, and that figure can increase...


By Jim Massey | Dr. Yasir Khan Join Dr Yasir Khan and Jim Massey from Cerner Middle East in a conversation of the use and challenges to the adoption of Healthcare AI in the Middle East. Jim is a data science evangelist and project lead for AI, data, deep learning and use case exploration at Cerner Middle East. He is a thought leader in practical application of data science for healthcare in the region. Dr....

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