Cargo pants are bursting onto the scene in women’s fashion for 2022. This staple of the late 90s and early 00s has been in the back seat of the fashion world for decades, and now it’s making its return in women’s clothing.
From big influencers to big names in fashion, the pillars of pop culture royalty are lifting this old style back up high. Some have questions about what to make of this returning trend. Why is it coming back, and how do you make the most of it while it’s still the hot style back for another round?
90s Fashion is Back
Cargo pants have made a return thanks partially to a general return of 90s and early 00s fashion. Younger people discovering these earlier fashion trends have reignited the industry’s love for styles like cargo pants, but they’re not alone in their return.
Baggy pants, denim, and large hoodies are all making a comeback in some way shape, or form. Cargo pants for women might be seeing one of the biggest surges in popularity again, but that doesn’t mean they’re alone.
The resurgence of 90s fashion alongside a trend in the fashion world where traditionally more male-aligned clothing is more accepted by women is truly making cargo pants the hot item to have for 2022. The 90s are back, and it’s more acceptable than ever for women to make the best of that trend.
It helps that cargo pants are renowned for their usability. Case and point, are cargo pants really cargo pants if they don’t feature a bunch of easy-to-use pockets?
Pairing with Cargo
Cargo is coming back, but what looks good with it? There are some obvious answers to that question, and some that you might not expect.
Obviously, it’s all about finding what goes well with the style of cargo pants that you want to get. Style is always the name of the game, and cargo pants are so versatile that there is no one right way that the industry is pointing to.
The easiest pick for many is to just go right back to the 90s and early 00s. Grab what worked then and bring it back to the present. Doing this is going full vintage with those styles without changing much, and it can be a fun way to take a trip back to the last decade of the past millennia.
These older styles don’t take much thinking to put together. Everyone can know what worked best by just taking a peek back to the prior decades and putting back on some cargo pants with a nice 90s design on the rest of their clothing. Where things get really interesting is when more modern fashion is used to touch up the old and make it new all over again.
Cargo Pants Fashion Now
The best part about cargo pants is how versatile they can be. Yes, you can pair them with other fashion trends that are returning from the 90s to make yourself a visual snapshot of the decade, but that’s not all they are good for.
A lot of modern fashion goes well with cargo pants thanks to how they never fully went out of style in many circles. That means there is plenty to look into even if they’re just now coming back to the front of the industry. In fact, this is the peak of a rise that has been going on ever since Covid restrictions in America loosened up to allow summer clothing to come back in full force.
You don’t even have to look far to find clothing that goes incredible with cargo pants. Baggy tops seem to be one of the most popular items to add alongside a decent pair.
This can be any large top that covers most of the body and ends up baggy. The premiere example of this would be a hoodie. If you do end up looking for a hoodie, know that you can never go wrong with black.
Vintage or New
Every time a vintage style comes back to the forefront of the fashion industry, the big question to ask is do you need to go completely vintage? There are some ups and downs, but with this trend the option might be to go for a more modern take.
When you buy vintage clothing from the era it came from the only choice is to buy secondhand. This is great when you catch a trend right before it happens, but the odds of that are unlikely. At this point in the cargo short trend, it’s clear that this classic look is here to stay.
The fact that the trend is growing so popular means that going buying newly designed cargo pants might just be the best option for most. Plenty of brands have taken notice of the growing demand for cargo shorts and have begun making them for women to match any style that they might be looking for. LA-based brand Sanctuary said that if there has ever been a time to include a pair or two of new cargo pants in your wardrobe, it would be now.
Some are trying to match the way the pants looked in the 90s down to the smallest details. Others are putting a new spin on the style. They are keeping the pants recognizably cargo pants, while also adding details that can make them fit well with some modern outfits.
The choices offered are endless, but the right answer is to probably buy a new pair of cargo pants that can match seamlessly with your existing wardrobe.
Just make sure that wherever you decide to buy and whatever version of the trend you shoot for, remember to find outfits that bring out the rugged, classic appeal of cargo pants into modern times. Doing so will allow you to enjoy the relaxed comfort, practicality, and effortlessly chic look that cargo pants have to offer now that they’re back in style.
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