Spending Money More Wisely
Spring has rolled around again, and as usual, I haven’t kept my New Year’s Resolutions. But I’m not letting this get me down; I’ve decided to finally act. It’s never too late to make changes!
First and foremost, I plan to improve my spending habits, as I’m not the best with money. It can be difficult to hold back on purchasing things I want, especially because we are constantly bombarded with advertisements, but it’ll be worth a try! To budget, I’m going to formulate a comprehensive financial plan that will cut back on all sorts of unnecessary spending.
Quitting Smoking
One of my vices has always been a good cigarette, and during the pandemic, my craving only worsened. I’m aware that it’s a nasty habit; no matter how enjoyable it can be, the risks far outweigh any temporary benefits it provides.
I’ll try to wean myself off of cigarettes by doing something else to get rid of my nervous energy, like tapping my feet or playing with a fidget cube. There are also products designed specifically to help smokers quit, including nicotine gum and patches. I hope to eventually kick cigarettes to the curb, but for now, I’d be happy just to be a little less reliant on them!
Taking My Appearance More Seriously
For years, I’ve neglected my appearance, and have only given the bare minimum when it comes to clothes. My skin, too, has seen better days, and recently, I’ve been noticing more and more gray hairs and wrinkles, no thanks to the stress of this horrible pandemic.
After a few weeks thinking it over, I decided that I no longer wanted to look older than I really am and scheduled a consultation for a facelift. My surgery is set for a month from now, and I’m so excited! I can’t wait to get some compliments and enjoy the season with a face as fresh and colorful as all of the blooming springtime flowers.
Exercising on a Bit More
These days, I don’t get much exercise. This seems to be the case for a lot of people; a very common New Year’s Resolution is to join a gym, but most fail to stick to a regimen that keeps them in shape, and I’m no exception. I’m not saying that I want to work out every day, but I would at least like to do some pushups, go on walks, or even ride my bike around the neighborhood. After all, there’s nothing quite as important as your health!
Getting Outside More to Enjoy Life
It’s such a pleasure to be outdoors, and soaking up the sun does wonders for the mind and body. Personally speaking, being cooped up in an office all day has made me a lot paler and unhappier—I look like a vampire!
This year, I’ve decided to live my life in the embrace of Mother Nature by going on hikes, enjoying picnics, and finding some other exciting outdoor activities that I can do with a couple friends. Even a simple stroll through the park should do the trick!
Staying on a Consistent Sleep Schedule
I’ve struggled with insomnia for years, and I think my job is the culprit. I have to wake up extremely early and slog through twelve-hour shifts that both deplete my energy and make it impossible to fall asleep. On top of this, I tend to stay up late when I get home, because I feel like I’ve missed out on so much of the day. The only saving grace that I seem to have is my supply of coffee and energy drinks, but they can only do so much.
After speaking to my doctor, I’ve decided to try out melatonin supplements and set a phone alarm to instruct me on the best time to go to bed. I’m looking forward to falling into a better sleep schedule so that I feel less like a zombie during the day!
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