Interoperability plays a fundamental role in the future of healthcare. By 2020 global healthcare data is expected to reach 2.3 billion gigabytes – a phenomenal amount – for all sorts of uses: vital signs data for monitoring conditions, high-resolution images to support diagnosis, or pharmacy records to understand which medicines should be prescribed.
But this information needs to be in the right hands to be truly effective. Clinicians and carers can work smarter and provide more efficient, passionate care for patients if they have speedier access to patient information. The challenge that has historically faced most healthcare providers is how to ensure information flows safely and effectively to the appropriate healthcare professionals, no matter where they are.
Throughout this guide we will bring you insights, updates and examples of how interoperability is playing a key role in healthcare all around the world. It is fair to say that the potential for interoperability is out of this world and there is much progress to be made, with many challenges to overcome.
If you want to facilitate the exchange and sharing of healthcare data, securely, in your hospital or region, read on to get the detail behind the strategies and success from some of the best interoperability projects from around the world.
I/ Why interoperability is everything
a) E-health in Europe: interoperability as a prequisite to guarantee high quality patient care
b) FHIR: a potential global phenomenon
c) Regulations around the world: latest news
II/ Discover interoperability case studies from around the world
a) United Kingdom – Taking care of the patient data journey: success for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in the first step towards regional-wide interoperability
b) Switzerland: interoperability enhancing the data exchange between laboratories, hospitals and clinicians
c) Canada – The results of 20 years of investments
d) France – How interoperability helps organise single IT systems in French Regional Hospital Groups
This post has been sponsored by Enovacom

Enovacom, subsidiary of Orange Business Services, is a software editor 100% dedicated to healthcare founded in 2002. Our unique software suite, proven in 1,500+ organisations, makes health data exchange easier and improves collaboration between healthcare professionals.