
HomeAuthorJim Beagle - Digital Health Buzz!

Jim Beagle is President and CEO at BridgeHead Software. BridgeHead Software is a pioneer in Healthcare Data Management, 100% dedicated to healthcare and trusted by over 1,200 hospitals worldwide. BridgeHead’s Independent Clinical Archive (ICA), HealthStore™, offers a unique, innovative solution that underpins digital transformation initiatives, helping IT, clinicians and operations realise their vision of a single patient record, directly improving care co-ordination and clinical workflow, all whilst overcoming rapid data growth challenges and the increasing TCO of managing that data.

In his keynote speech to the 2017 Health and Care Innovation Expo, Matthew Swindells, NHS England’s National Director of Operations and Information, urged software providers to “not be protective about ‘your’ data”. He added that, “If the patient wants you to share what you’ve got with another clinician who’s treating them, I don’t want to see vendors locking the data down”. Swindells also encouraged those working within the NHS to “drive openness and data sharing...

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