Brandon Seigel

HomeAuthor Brandon Seigel

Brandon Seigel is an internationally known business coach and president of Wellness Works Management Partners. He currently manages multiple private practices and consults with entrepreneurs and private practices throughout the world. A recognized leader in today’s private practice environment, he is a frequent keynote speaker and trainer for organizations, associations and universities. His new book, The Private Practice Survival Guide: A Journey to Unlock Your Freedom to Success (Rebel Press, February 5, 2019) covers the essential how-to questions of opening a successful private practice. Learn more at wellnessworksmp.com or brandonseigel.com.

In the healthcare space, purpose-driven entrepreneurs are challenged by their need to scale private practices in a way that they can truly create positive change in today’s challenging healthcare environment. The key is to put patient care and ethics as a pinnacle responsibility, but build a business model that rewards the proper care in a prosperous way to achieve stability and success. Purpose, passion and prosperity should all align together. One of the most common...

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