If you’re just now launching your career as a physician, you’re likely wondering where to start looking for job postings and other valuable professional resources. Thankfully, today’s digital landscape is absolutely bursting with quality online resources for physicians. The variety of resources, job posting sites, and other physician-related content on the web makes 2022 a perfect year for finally becoming a physician:
1. Medscape
Many medical professionals consider Medscape a daily must-read resource for staying on top of the medical world’s evolution. Medscape provides breaking news, research analysis, and professional reflection pieces dealing with current medical industry topics. Additionally, Medscape is a fantastic resource for looking up databases of drugs and diseases. For brand-new physicians, Medscape will provide an invaluable way to constantly excel at their ongoing medical education (which will help them make progress in their careers at a hyper-quick, impressive rate).
2. The Medicus Firm
When you’re looking to find your dream physician position, the prospect of searching through a ton of different job boards can feel overwhelming. Thankfully, The Medicus Firm now provides a cutting-edge job search website that excels at placing physicians into jobs that fit their skill sets and experience levels. For brand-new physicians, the number of job postings and professional resources listed on The Medicus Firm’s website will prove invaluable.
3. Kevin MD
Similar to Medscape, Kevin MD is a fantastic resource for daily medical news and updates. While Kevin MD is not as prominently known as Medscape, the more laidback and accessible nature of the site has grabbed the attention of physicians around the US. The site’s founder, Kevin Pho, and other famous healthcare professionals provide nearly-daily stories about their professional experiences. The more intimate nature of these stories helps to set Kevin MD’s content aside from Medscape’s even further. Kevin MD is also boosting resources that benefit digital health throughout the medical profession.
4. Mom MD
Women often face unique challenges during their professional lives – and this is doubly true for women working as physicians. Mom MD is a website that has tons of professional resources for women in the field of medicine. Additionally, it has special content that’s directed toward physicians who are Moms. The quirky, fun and professionally valuable content on Mom MD has made it a major hit over the last decade.
5. The Student Doctor Network
If you’re just now starting your journey as a physician, you’ll likely need to do some residency work to fully achieve your professional dreams. By using the Student Doctor Network, you can find residences and other professional peer relationships that will take your career to the next level. Physicians are not the only medical professionals who can take advantage of this awesome service, as many other medical fields are supported by the Student Doctor Network’s resources
6. Locum Tenens Daily
Locum tenens positions are often seen as the perfect fit for brand-new physicians. Not only are these positions designed to hyper-charge a physician’s experience and skill set, but these jobs often have benefits that help professionals rid themselves of medical debt more quickly as well. Those interested in locum tenens positions, or who are actively looking for this type of physician work, can use the amazing news articles and job search resources at Locum Tenens Daily to help them get the job done.
7. The Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program
Also known as the MKSAP, this amazing service was developed by the American College of Physicians. If you need to know how accurate and impressive your current medical knowledge is, in a wide range of potential fields of medicine, you can use the MKSAP to assess your current medical knowledge proficiency. The resource also allows you to compare your results to peers, and other industry professionals. When you’re preparing to apply for your dream physician job, it can be incredibly useful to take some quick evaluations using MKSAP. Doing so will ensure you feel sharp, confident, and prepared for any interview questions you might end up facing.
Never Forget the American Medical Association
In addition to the seven resources we’ve discussed above, using the AMA’s huge database is highly recommended. Few other resources are as valuable and essential for physicians as the actual American Medical Association website. Not only are there endless educational resources available for free on the site, but you can follow some of the most pressing, and interesting, medical news on the site as well. That being said, there are some functions and features that are hidden behind paid membership subscriptions. However, the value of these resources makes investing in an American Medical Association membership a no-brainer.
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