The most prevalent problem nowadays is lower back discomfort. Several factors contribute to the severe case of lower back pain. At any given time, 540 million individuals worldwide experience back discomfort. Talking about the United States, eight out of ten people report having back issues at least once or more frequently.
Continuous advancement in the field of medical studies and trained specialists, people are now managing their pain in a much easier and efficient manner. But even the best pain management doctors in Maryland suggest yoga under the guidance of experts for better results.
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a set of exercises including elements for the body, mind, and soul. In other words, yoga is a form of physical activity that engages the mind and the body. It blends the movement of the muscles with an inward focus on the breath, the energy, and the individual.
Yoga can be especially helpful for low back pain since it develops the abdominal muscles (including the transverse abdominis, which supports the back and spine) and the back muscles. It also supports the spine and the paraspinal muscles, which help you bend your spine.
What are the types of back pains? (as per duration)
According to medical professionals and experts, several forms of back pain exist.
❖ Acute back pain
❖ Subacute back pain
❖ Chronic back pain
What are the medical conditions under which Yoga plays a vital role?
With the ongoing study of many cases, the best pain management doctors in Maryland state that extreme back pain arises in significant medical issues. Let’s look at the typical causes of back pain:
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a medical condition that develops when there is insufficient space inside the spine.
Vertebral Compression Fractures
Vertebral Compression Fractures, or VCFs, happen when the vertebral body in the spine compresses.
Musculoskeletal Injury
Musculoskeletal Injury is an injury that causes pain and affects the bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or tendons.
Herniated Disc
Disk degeneration is due to slow ageing-related wear and tear.
Facet Syndrome
Facet syndrome is an articular condition involving the facet joints and associated innervations.
What are the benefits of Yoga?
- Yoga can help to alleviate the suffering of various pains. Even the best pain management doctors in Maryland believe that yoga is mandatory along with the treatment. Yoga not only gives you a better result but also provides you with the moral strength for a better tomorrow.
- Similar to physical therapy, yoga may aid in improving spinal control and strengthening the core to lessen the symptoms of compression. By extending the spine and releasing pressure on the nerves, you can gain comfort related to your spinal stenosis.
(In Spinal stenosis, the spinal cord and nerves that go through the spine may be compressed. It usually manifests in the neck and lower back.)
- Yoga is a moderate activity that helps older persons maintain stability and safety, reduce osteoarthritis pain, and enhance physical function. People with persistent joint pain see a substantial improvement in bodily function and reduced suffering.
- Yoga is an example of complementary and alternative medicine that views the “body as a whole.” Yoga meditation and relaxation have been found to significantly reduce pain, discomfort, impairment, and anxiety in people with common musculoskeletal problems.
Some of the best yoga and its procedure for back pain are
Downward dog: It stretches your hamstrings.
- Get down on all fours.
- Put your knees behind your hips and your knees beneath your wrists.
- Lift your knees, tuck your toes under, and press onto your hands.
- Your sitting bones should be raised towards the ceiling.
- Keep your knees bent, stretch your spine, and lift your tailbone.
- Keep your heels off the ground a little bit.
- Firmly press against your hands.
- Consider where your hips and shoulders concern one another as you equally distribute your weight across the two sides of your body.
- Keep your chin tucked in or in line with your upper arms.
- Hold a while and repeat the procedure.
Child’s pose: It lengthens your back and calms your nerves.
- Put your knees together and lean back on your heels.
- For support, place a blanket behind your thighs.
- Your hand should be placed in front while bending down.
- Gently place your forehead on the ground.
- Hold your arms before you, or bring them to your body, & keep your palms up.
- When your upper body sinks heavily onto your knees, concentrate on relaxing the tightness in your back.
- Hold this position for 180 seconds.
Pigeon pose: By extending the rotators, it relaxes the hips.
- Join your feet together in the downward-facing dog position.
- Bring your left knee forward and out to the left as you bend your left leg almost perpendicular to your right leg.
- Lower both legs to the ground.
- Maintain your back right leg straight behind you.
- Change your side and perform the same procedure.
Triangle Pose: It Strengthens the Torso by Lengthening the Muscles.
- Set up a straight posture with your feet close together.
- Leap back three to four feet with your left foot while angling it outward.
- While maintaining the straight right and left legs, tilt your chest to the side and open the posture by reaching your right arm towards the floor and your left arm towards the ceiling. (Don’t overextend; bend as far as possible while keeping your back straight.)
- Change your side and perform the same procedure.
Cat and Cow Pose: It warms You Up and Loses the Back.
- Get down on all fours.
- Put your knees below your hips and your wrists beneath your shoulders.
- Distribute your weight equally among the four supports.
- Look up, take a deep breath, and allow your stomach to descend towards the mat.
- Draw your navel towards your spine, bury your chin towards your chest, and arch your spine upwards as you exhale.
- Pay attention to noticing and releasing any tightness in your body.
- For at least a minute, keep up this flowing movement.
Upwards & Forward Bend: It releases the tight hamstring and back muscles.
- Standing upright, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Keep your knees relaxed and not locked.
- Exhale and lean forward, bending at the waist, reaching towards the floor.
- If you cannot reach the floor, stop when your hamstrings feel stretched comfortably.
- 5–7 repetitions should be done in the stance.
- Hold the posture for 5–10 breaths after the last bend.
Upward dog: It stretches and activates crucial muscles.
- Lay down on the ground with your hands facing down near the centre of your ribs.
- Use your back strength, not your hands, to lift your chest off the floor while pulling your legs together and driving the tops of your feet into the ground.
- Maintain a straight front with your legs.
- Change your side and perform the same procedure.
Back pain can occur to anyone despite of age, sex and work efficiency. One should never neglect the seriousness of it. People suffering from it can find the proper guidance and care with the help of the best pain management doctors in Maryland at Synergy Spine and Pain Center.
Synergy Spine and Pain Center is a physician-led interventional pain management in Washington with a high-quality care team and practice management expertise. We treat patients with acute and chronic pain, including spinal pain and a variety of other pain problems. Our goal is to help individuals live better lives by offering excellent therapy for early relief and recovery from acute and chronic pain.

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