Transference healing is a relatively new healing method. It is a new vibrational healing method of pure high frequency. It is multidimensional, advanced, and comprehensive as well. This new healing process pairs science and spirit together and works with technology, energy sources, light, and matter to heal the soul and body in a way never experienced before. It awakens the consciousness, shifts the frequency, and purifies the body.
Frequency Healing has become essential in this fast-moving world. People are becoming more and more crystalline and rigid. Transference Healing helps you recode the DNA, which in turn, results in raised consciousness. It also helps you find out the hidden talents and gifts you possess but are unaware of.
Here is what happens when you start your journey toward the healing and purification of your body and soul by starting Transference healing.
You feel lighter
Your first session will start with encrypting and uniting more light of the universe and ‘Mother Gaia’ into your whole existence. This in turn awakens your awareness and makes it look like more light is being radiated by atoms and cells present all over and around you. With this, your cells too, start to hold and radiate more light than before.
This means that with the help of enlightenment, you are becoming a vessel of light because of the increased levels of vibration in your whole being. Your cells and the atoms you are made of will start radiating light brighter than ever. It makes your body feel lighter. Not only you, but others too can notice this new radiance in your personality.
See the New Reality
With every healing session, your consciousness shifts toward the birth of a new reality. The dreams you thought were impossible to fulfill at a time now start seeming achievable. You will start manifesting all the targets you had in your life. The only thing that holds you back from achieving your dreams is your ingrained habits and beliefs.
With Transference therapy, you let go of these obstructions, and you start to scramble more light, love and believe in yourself. It helps in the expansion of your persona and you start believing that you can achieve what you want.
More Peace and Joy
Transference healing works on an intimate level with your heart and emotions. It brings both together and creates a consciousness that helps you be more aware of your feelings and how to express them. Our heart is the Master Chakra and represents all the growth and expansion of our consciousness. It is also the main agent of the wellness of our physical body.
Suppressing our emotions because they are too heavy for us to share or talk about it creates problems on a physical level. And as said earlier about the heart being the Master Chakra, it is the first one to suffer from diseases. Transference helps you to heal the pain and recognize your emotions using frequencies that are powerful but very tender at the same time.
Physical Healing
Our body is the vessel to raise our emotional consciousness, and keeping our body physically fit makes it work better towards healing emotionally. You start feeling light and more active. You will experience a newfound fresh wave of energy. Healing clears clusters of atoms and cells and makes you feel more focused, concentrated, and motivated toward achieving your goals.
Transference Healing creates new levels of wellness in your body. It lets us enjoy our life without the need for modern medicine. You won’t even require any alternate care.
Your body has all the resources required to heal itself with the help of the universe through nature. What we were missing was the information on how to tap into this unlimited source of healing energy. Transference Healing gives you all the resources and knowledge required to access this energy and live a healthy life emotionally and physically.
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