IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is the most popular and effective form of assisted reproductive technology today. It has been used worldwide for almost 40 years. For many couples, this is the only way to have children. IVF can help even in cases where natural conception is almost impossible. What are the main steps if this procedure? Is it safe, effective and how much will IVF cost in Georgia, India, California, Australia or UK?
IVF is fertilization outside the body: eggs and sperm are collected from the body; fertilization takes place in the laboratory. Insemination: intracytoplasmic sperm injection takes place. Through ICSI procedure, a single sperm is injected directly into the egg in order to achieve fertilization.Then the fertilized eggs are placed in the incubator for 5-6 days and in the process of division, they sit down in the uterus.
Some time ago, in the context of the use of the IVF procedure, the moral and ethical question was very acute. The fact is that the previous level of technology put the participants in the artificial insemination program before a choice: to become pregnant with a high probability after transferring 3–8 embryos or to abandon the idea altogether. Almost everyone chose the first option. As a result of this tactic, multiple pregnancies arose.
Usually, happy parents left all the accustomed embryos, so even 10-15 years ago twins or triplets were the result of IVF. Nevertheless, there were cases when the decision was made to remove “extra” embryos, which is unacceptable from the moral point of view. Due to the development of cryopreservation technology in the last 10 years, the survival rate of embryos has increased to 99.8%, which means that the need for replanting several embryos has disappeared, as well as the risk of probable resection.
Although this approach is not used in all world clinics. Today in Georgia, only one embryo is transferred in seven cases from ten. This tactic allows you to avoid multiple pregnancy. In addition, the matter is not only in moral and ethical standards, but also in medical precaution. When doubled increases the risk of premature birth, children can be born prematurely with law birth weight, and, as a result, the incidence, disability and infant mortality are higher. Updated 2019 stats in a new study led by University of Manchester written: “Babies which are born by IVF have increased in birthweight by nearly 200g over the past 25 years”. In particular, the risk of cerebral palsy in twins is 9 times higher than for children, which were born because of singleton pregnancy.
IVF is also known for its hefty cost, which can vary greatly throughout the area. IVF costs in California is started from $15,000 per cycle, from $13,000 in New York. IVF costs in UK, for example, can easily reach $10,000 per cycle, while, IVF costs in Australia can be as high as $12,000 or more per cycle, in Georgia from $5,000, in India from $2,000. With the additional cost of IVF medications, this number will increase (between $2,000 and $5,000 in medication costs depends on country).
As practice shows, every fertility treatment case is unique and how much you pay mostly depends on how you approach the process of getting pregnant. To make the cost for IVF more clear for intended parents, many top clinics decided to offer IVF + PGS + egg donation packages with a “bundle” prices, including the cost of IVF medications. In California, this package is vary from $26,000, in UK from $20,000, in Georgia from $10,000, in India from $5,000.
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One comment
Victoria Garcia
April 23, 2019 at 11:03 am
Thanks for relevant up to date information. Very helpful for me and my husband.