
GeneralStroke Treatment and Details you need to Know about Stroke

Did you know a person experiencing a stroke requires immediate emergency treatment? Stroke is an abrupt ailment that occurs due to a decrease or blockage in the brain’s blood supply. In the United States, stroke is considered the fifth-leading cause of death, with over 795,000 people experiencing stroke per year.

Loss of blood flow articulates brain tissue damage and body parts are controlled by the brain to portray symptoms. Signs of stroke include;

  • Paralysis
  • Confusion
  • Slurring speech
  • Trouble speaking
  • Numbness and weakness in one side of the body, especially arm, leg, and face
  • Vision problem, blackened vision, blurred vision, and double vision
  • Loss of balance and coordination
  • Trouble walking
  • Dizziness
  • Severe headache

If an individual experiencing stroke fails prompt treatment, fatal outcomes like brain damage, death, and long-term disability may result. Stroke practitioners like Dr. Francene Gayle aid in creating awareness to curb the stroke epidemic. By recognizing symptoms associated with stroke enhanced in mitigating severe and long-term problems.

Categories of stroke

Transient ischemic attack (TIA): It is caused by a blood clot

Ischemic stroke: The arteries supplying blood to the brain become blocked

Hemorrhagic stroke: Occurs when an artery in the brain breaks open or leaks blood

Types of stroke

  • Embolic stroke
  • Thrombotic stroke
  • Intracerebral stroke
  • Subarachnoid stroke

Symptoms of stroke in women

Women have a higher risk of having a stroke than men. Common stroke symptoms in women include;

  • General weakness
  • Pain
  • Hallucination
  • Nausea
  • Short of breath or experiencing difficulty in breathing
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Disorientation or confusion
  • Increased agitation

Symptoms of stroke in men

Men are highly likely to have a stroke in their younger years. Some of the stroke symptoms that occur more often in men include;

  • Muscle weakness on one side of the body
  • Slurred speech and difficulty speaking
  • Drooping on one side of the face

Stroke Treatment

If a patient experiences stroke symptoms, they are taken under health care by emergency medical services. The patient receives emergency care to prevent another stroke or rehabilitate to treat side effects emerging from a sudden stroke attack.

The key to stroke treatment and recovery is the ability to get to the hospital quickly. Calling emergency services is essential because medical staff begins life-saving treatment early enough. Emergency medical staff collect valuable information that alerts hospital staff.

A specialized stroke center ensures that you receive the quickest possible diagnosis and treatment. Hospital clinicians seek to determine medical history and duration since symptoms started. They carry out brain scans to show what type of stroke you have experienced.

Once the first symptom appears, and you visit the hospital, a neurologist may recommend thrombolytic medicine, which aids in breaking up blood clots. Medicine surgery may also be initiated as a method to stop the bleeding. Examples of medical surgery procedures to save blood tissue include;

Surgical treatment: The procedure is used on hemorrhagic stroke. Bleeding caused by a ruptured aneurysm can entail using a metal clip to stop the blood loss.

Endovascular procedures: The procedure can be used to treat some form of hemorrhagic stroke. The procedure involves the insertion of a long tube through an artery in the leg or arm. The doctor in charge guides the tube to the site of the break-in blood vessel. A device such as a coil is then installed using the tube inserted.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke rehabilitation is essential for overall recovery. Caregivers support your recovery as they try to find out the reasons for your stroke.


Stroke is experienced when a blood vessel ruptures and breeds in the brain. Without oxygen and blood, brain tissue and cells begin to die and damage within minutes. Different types of strokes integrate different treatment and recovery processes.

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