
GeneralHow To Reduce Hair fall

You may be experiencing hair fall if you’re tired of finding strands of hair in your clothes, on your floor, and shedding it everywhere you go. Hair loss is widespread, and many people suffer from it.

We sat down with Dr.Ankur Singhal, who has among India’s best hair transplants clinics, to discuss ways to reduce hair fall in this article.

Regrow Hair Clinic’s Medical Director is Dr. Ankur Singhal. In India, he is a well-known hair transplant surgeon. Dr. Ankur is an expert in advanced cosmetic and hair transplant procedures like FUE and Dense Hair Implantation.

It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands per day. Hair loss that lasts for a long time can be a problem. There are several causes, and many of them are self-correcting.

Hair loss can occur as a result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or aging.

Hair loss is usually nothing to be concerned about, but you should seek medical advice in severe cases.

What exactly is hair fall?

Hair fall, also known as hair loss, refers to the shedding of hair from any part of the body but is most commonly associated with the scalp.

This article will explain why your hair falls out of your scalp and how to stop it.

What causes hair thinning?

There are a variety of reasons why someone might be losing their hair.

Hair loss is hereditary (androgenic alopecia) and occurs over time.

In everyone, aging causes not only a change in hair color but also hair loss.

Childbirth can cause hair loss in women.

Illness or stress of several kinds can be shedding your hair.

Chemotherapy for cancer treatment can result in excessive hair loss due to prolonged radiation exposure.

Alopecia Areata is a medical condition in which the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss in specific areas.

How can I stop my hair from falling out, according to Dr. Ankur Singhal?

If you don’t want to go to the doctor or your hair loss isn’t severe, there are many natural ways to reduce hair loss at home.

You can reduce hair loss using a variety of methods. Still, knowing your hair type and how it reacts to external factors like sun, pollution, water, and chemicals.

Choosing a hair care routine gets more natural once you have a better understanding of your hair. Make your hair care choices based on what you need, not what everyone else is doing.

The following are some remedies to think about:

– Lessening the use of chemicals on the hair

Strong chemicals found in shampoos and conditioners may cause damage to your hair. Switch to a milder shampoo or one explicitly designed for sensitive hair if you haven’t already.

Also, keep track of your medication intake because some medications can cause hair loss as a side effect. In such cases, always consult your doctor about alternatives to this medication.

– A hair-care regimen

The hair-washing routine you’ve been following or the products you’ve been using could be causing more harm than good.

Reduce the number of products you use and wash your hair less frequently.

Because your scalp discharges oil quickly, which is necessary for strong hair, do not wash your hair right away if it feels oily.

To see more healthy hair, limit your hair washing to once or twice a week.

– Dietary requirements

Your body’s nutrient intake is also essential for hair growth and health.

Vitamin A aids in the production of sebum (oil) in the scalp, vitamin E aids in blood circulation to the hair follicles, and vitamin B aids in maintaining healthy hair color.

– Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

Drinking alcohol can stifle healthy hair growth, and smoking cigarettes reduces the amount of blood flowing through your scalp.

Avoiding these activities can improve the health of your hair significantly.

– Dealing with wet hair

People make a crucial hair care mistake. Hair that you wash or expose to water can be extremely fragile and prone to breaking.

Hair that you wash with chemical products is highly brittle and should get handled with care.

To dry your hair faster, don’t scrub it with a rough towel. Instead, dab it. It’s preferable to use an old tee shirt or a softer cloth material that won’t harm your hair instead of towels.

– Warm the products

Attempting to dry and style your hair necessitates a significant amount of heating.

Reduce the amount of time your hair gets exposed to heat. Reduce the heat intensity on your hairdryer or switch entirely to air drying and let your hair dry at its own pace.

“Styling your hair can also be varied by using products that do not require a lot of heat, and if you have the time, try natural curling or straightening methods,” says Dr. Ankul Singhal

Hair that is washed late at night has more time to heal and dry in the morning.

– Relaxation

Stress is unavoidable in today’s world, and it can be harmful to your overall health. Attempt to rejuvenate yourself by remaining more relaxed and stress-free.

Physical activity helps reduce hair fall by keeping your hormones in check, so recreational activities are not only a great way to relieve stress.

– Masks for the hair

Using nourishing hair masks that strengthen both your roots and hair strands can be highly beneficial to your hair.

There are a variety of products on the market, or you could try some homemade remedies.

Green Tea, Biotin, Protein, Bhringraj, and Vitamins are all ingredients that can significantly impact.

According to Dr. Ankur Singhal, You can also use hair oils like coconut or almond oil to help strengthen your hair. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for every hair type, so experiment and create a routine that works for you.

Understanding your hair and its requirements is an essential part of hair care.

Experiment with what works best for you and seek medical advice as needed.

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