
HealthcareHow To Get The Most Out Of Light Therapy

Vitamin D isn’t the only benefit that the bright rays of the sun can bring. For many people, getting a good dose of sunlight picks up their mood and helps ease depression as it promotes the production of the happy hormone, serotonin. But, since not everyone lives in sun-drenched places near the equator, some people may need light therapy, especially when the weather is dreary and gray.

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, uses artificial light to help treat various conditions, including seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, skin problems, and some forms of sleep disorders. If you’re suffering from any of those conditions, but don’t want to rely heavily on medicines, you may try phototherapy as an alternative treatment. However, before you do, it’s best to seek your doctor’s advice and find more information about light therapy online.

If you’ve already decided that you want to give it a try, here are the ways to get the most benefits out of light therapy:

1. Incorporate Phototherapy Into Your Routine

To ensure that you’re getting the most benefits from light therapy, you must stay consistent with your sessions. A great way to do this is by incorporating it into your everyday routine, which means making light therapy a habit, like brushing your teeth before you go to sleep or taking a shower before leaving for work. After sticking to your phototherapy routine for a few weeks, you may start to see its benefits, including treating some disorders and helping you achieve a more balanced life.

2. Choose The Right Light

Light therapy boxes come in different intensities, and even colors, so you must not go online and buy the first affordable equipment you see. You ought to check with your physician first and do some research to determine what intensity or degree of brightness you need for your condition.

For example, if you suffer from SAD, your physician might recommend a 10,000-lux light at around 16 to 24 inches from your skin or face. Or, if you are suffering from a skin problem or muscle pain, your doctor may recommend red light instead of the usual bright light.

3. Follow Instructions To A Tee

Another way to get the most out of this alternative therapy is by following your doctor’s instructions and your light therapy equipment’s user manual. So, ensure that you stick to the frequency and duration of your treatment not only to maximize the benefits of phototherapy, but, more importantly, to prevent risks or complications.

For example, ensure that you follow the proper distance of the lightbox to your skin. If you’re too near the light, you might suffer from light burn or photodamage. Meanwhile, if you’re too far away, you may not reap the benefits of the device at all. If you experience discomfort or feel that the therapy isn’t working well, consult with your doctor.

4. Time Your Sessions Right

When it comes to light therapy, timing is critical. So, if you want to get the full benefits of this treatment, you’ll have to know the optimum time to do your treatment. Again, work this thing out with your doctor so you’ll come up with the best schedule for your condition and your daily routine.

Some people prefer having a 20-to-30-minute session of bright light therapy in the morning, especially if they’re dealing with mood disorders or seasonal affective disorders. On the other hand, others who may want to get back their circadian rhythm or the body’s internal clock, and help boost restful sleep may prefer light therapy during the early hours of the evening.

5. Have Some Fun

Do you know why some people don’t succeed in their therapy?  It’s because they treat it as a burden that they must go through every day. If you change your mindset and make the treatment a treat or something fun, the chance of you sticking to it will be higher.

So, when you do your light sessions, ensure that you’re in a comfortable position at a cozy part of your home. Sitting for 20 minutes exposed to the light and doing nothing can be boring if you don’t do anything fun while at it. But, if you perform a task that you love during the treatment, you’ll start to look forward to your light therapy sessions instead of loathing them. Some ideas to make light therapy fun are reading a funny book, watching your favorite series online, doing a crossword puzzle, or having a fresh cup of coffee.

Final Thoughts

Many people have reaped the benefits of light therapy to help treat various conditions ranging from seasonal affective disorder and depression, to acne and other skin problems. You can also find success with light therapy to treat your problems, but you must know how to get the most benefit from it. Consult with your doctor before using this type of therapy.

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