The year 2020 has, undoubtedly, been very difficult for American workers. While we kicked the year off with a celebration-worthy unemployment rate that dipped to lows of 3.5% in February, the COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on American businesses in early March, wreaking havoc on the global economy.
The effect of COVID19 on unemployment rates was instantaneous, skyrocketing the unemployment percentage to almost 15%. While the percentage dropped to 7.8% by September, experts are currently struggling to predict the job market’s trajectory. Without a clear direction for the US job market, employers and employees will have to endure several years of economic rollercoaster rides with unprecedented resilience.
As we head into the year 2021, the job market in almost every industry will become highly competitive. Those applicants expecting to land high-paying jobs will need to put their best foot forward during the interview process. To stand out from your competition, prospective candidates will need to do their fair share of research and dress for success.
If you’re looking for a new job, you can’t afford to underestimate the importance of the finer details, like your appearance. To ensure you outrank your fellow applicants, you’ll need to pay close attention to your hygiene, especially your dental hygiene. If you dress sharp, carry yourself well, and look clean, getting the job is just a matter of having the right qualifications.
A bright white smile is always an excellent way to introduce oneself to a prospective employer. If your pearly whites appear dingy and yellow, that’s something you should consider before you kickstart your job search.
If you want your teeth to look their best, it’s going to require regular visits to the dentist. If you live in Lehi, Utah, you should know that regular dental check-ups offered by Canyon Crest Dental, a dentist in Lehi, can help improve your employability tenfold.
How dental hygiene affects your employability
When you sit in front of a prospective employer, applicants should realize that the person sitting in front of you can have a profound effect on your career. With these high-stakes in mind, you’ll want to look and feel your best.
As mentioned above, your dental hygiene matters when it comes to employability. It matters because your teeth affect how other people perceive you. In an interview where prospective employers will be looking at the most minute details (i.e., your handshake, body language, confidence level, etc.), you’ll want to feel comfortable smiling. If you can’t smile with confidence, employers will offer the position to the people who can. Remember, a warm, welcoming smile matters most in customer service professions, as a flash of your pearly whites can reassure customers that you care about their experience. Should you chose to enter the customer service industry, you’ll need to attend to your cavities.
Below, you’ll find four ways in which good dental hygiene could have a positive effect on your employability. As a reminder, you will be competing for a job in a very competitive COVID-19 era job market, meaning the smallest mistake can cost you the job.
Boosts your confidence
Employment specialists always preach about the importance of confidence when interviewing. If your teeth look clean and your mouth feels fresh, there’s a good chance you will experience lower stress and anxiety. In turn, that should provide a nice boost to your confidence and convince the employer you’re self-assured.
It’s an indication of a good self-image
It’s a widely-accepted notion that people who take preventative healthcare measures care about developing a good self-image. It makes sense that people who want healthy white teeth care about how people see them. For those employees hired to be the face of the company, image is everything. Make self-care rituals a top priority when applying for sales or recruitment positions.
If you’re currently pursuing a job that requires you to interact with the public, your self-image will matter to the interviewer. If they notice you look presentable and have a friendly smile, the employer will likely feel better about putting you in front of customers or business partners.
Demonstrates self-discipline
Employers almost always prefer hiring employees who are organized and disciplined. Nothing screams self-discipline more than looking presentable at all times.
Most people realize that it takes3 time and effort to take care of oneself. In terms of dental hygiene, be sure to carve out time in your schedule for regular teeth cleaning appointments and dental work. No one likes doing it, but it’s a critical part of demonstrating that you have the discipline required to groom regularly. It’s that extra level of discipline to do the little things that give prospective employers an idea of how someone will approach doing their job.
Smiles build trust
When someone’s teeth are stained, decaying, or dingy, they tend not to smile very much, which can raise suspicion. In interactions with employers, these authority figures may wonder why that person never smiles. Remember, this suspicion breeds distrust.
Above all, a prospective employer needs to sense they can trust you, especially when the employee is applying for a leadership position. If you can look them in the eye and smile with confidence, it creates a sense of trustworthiness. More times than not, reliability and honesty rank highly in an employer’s priority list.
After booking your cleanings and scheduling that root canal you’ve pushed to the back burner, you’ll need to do your due diligence to maintain good dental hygiene. For pearly whites that sparkle, brush twice daily and floss regularly. If you struggle with bad breath, consider purchasing a specially-designed mouthwash.
This post has been sponsored by Stan Ventures Private Limited
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