People have started looking for ways to deal with sleeping problems in the past few years. There are various options that you can choose from. These include surgery, a drug, and other alternative treatments. You may be surprised to learn that there are treatments that can help you sleep.
Using a balloon to open nasal passages has been a proven, safe, and effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, and chronic sinusitis. In addition, sinus surgery reduces sinus pressure and flushes out built-up pus and mucus.
Sinus surgery also restructures the bones around the sinuses. It is done by inserting a balloon-like device into the sinus passage using an endoscope. The balloon is gently inflated to dilate the drainage pathways. After the course is opened, the balloon is removed.
Balloon septoplasty for deviated septum can be performed in an office setting. It is performed under local anesthesia. The balloon is inflated for about five seconds. The procedure is done in less than an hour.
Before the procedure, the patient should not take any prescription blood thinners. This will make the process easier and faster. The patient can also return to work on the same day. However, the patient should avoid blowing the nose for at least 24 hours.
Depending on the patient’s condition, they may be advised not to blow their nose for a few days after the procedure. This will keep the nose free of nasal drainage and promote healing.
Side Effects
Whether you are interested in balloon septoplasty for sleeping issues or other reasons, you should know a few things about the procedure. First, it is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat chronic sinusitis. The benefits of this treatment include improved breathing, relief from facial pressure, and reduced pain.
In a typical procedure, a healthcare provider uses an endoscope to guide a balloon catheter through the sinuses. The balloon catheter is gently inflated to expand the nasal cavity, allowing the passage to open up. After the procedure, the nasal passages are drained with saline solution to promote healing.
Balloon sinus dilation can help with minor symptoms, such as congestion and grogginess. However, some patients may experience bleeding, pain, and swelling. Therefore, you must let your doctor know if you have any concerns about the procedure.
Balloon sinuplasty can be performed in an outpatient setting. The surgery takes about 10 seconds to complete. The procedure is minimally invasive, making it easy to recover from.
Recovery Time
Those suffering from nasal polyps or a deviated septum can relieve sinusitis with a septoplasty. The procedure widens the sinus passages and reduces the built-up pressure. In most cases, patients can return to work within a week.
A septoplasty can be performed in an office setting. The procedure will require local anesthesia. An ENT specialist will use an endoscope to look into the nostrils. He will then inject a local anesthetic into the tissue.
After the anesthetic has worn off, patients can take over-the-counter pain relievers. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be used to help with the pain. If the pain persists, patients may need to consult their doctor.
It is best to avoid blowing your nose for the first day or two. This will help prevent bleeding. In addition, patients should sneeze naturally. Sneezing from the mouth is safer than blowing your nose, which can dislocate the corrected septum.
You should also avoid taking blood-clotting medications, such as aspirin. You may also want to avoid spicy foods, which can cause your nose to run. Saline nasal washes can also help you heal. These can be purchased at drug stores.
Using balloon sinuplasty, a doctor can perform a procedure that can help improve your breathing and overall stamina. In addition, the procedure can help reduce the amount of snoring you experience.
The procedure is a relatively new procedure that has been available since 2005. It is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that works to open up your sinuses. First, the doctor inserts a balloon-shaped catheter into your nose using a thin instrument. The catheter is then slowly inflated to help break down the sinus walls.
The procedure is typically performed in a doctor’s office and takes about an hour. Most patients can return to work the day after the procedure. However, you must avoid strenuous activities for at least a week. You should also avoid blowing your nose for at least 24 hours after the process.
Balloon sinuplasty is a good option for patients with chronic sinusitis. It can help relieve inflammation in the sinuses and open up the nasal passage.
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