
HomeAuthorSaqib Khan - Digital Health Buzz!

Saqib Ayaz is the co-founder of Workflow Management & Optimization https://www.workflowoptimization.us, a technology, software and back-office services company, that provides every conceivable solution for your business and practices. I'm an expert in managed enterprise HR, technology outsourcing and practice management solutions.

The MACRA program has been placed to give clinical providers the time to consider their options. However, since its implementation, the large number of changes has disconcerted majority of the industry and several of them remain confused as to what is required of them and what choices they should make to comply. And mostly, many are concerned about the readiness of their colleagues to make these choices. The deadline to start collecting performance data for...


Considering the complexity and the large volumes involved in the healthcare industry, the online medical billing and coding system have become one of the most important aspects of medical practitioners, clinicians, and physicians involved in this profession. However, finding a qualified and well-equipped online medical billing and coding system is no easy task. An efficient and well-managed online medical billing and coding system can help medical practitioners run their practice smoothly by reducing a host...


Recently, the utilization of the medical practice management solution has been markedly increased among the physicians. They are using the latest technology to ensure that all the data is properly managed and nothing will go wrong regarding the insurance claims and billing information. We all know that most of the people are using the online services especially the social media sites. Their popularity is tremendously growing and most people are looking for the sites of...


A good practice management solution is just like an oracle for your office. Often, companies get confused when it comes to buying an electronic practice management solution or system. They get confused because there are 2 types of practice management systems; there are bundled EMRs and then there are 2 interfaced systems. Both of these types result in complications in buying a specific practice management solution. So, here is what you should look for when...

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