
HomeAuthorNeil Hammerton - Digital Health Buzz!

Neil Hammerton is CEO and co-founder of Natterbox. Having begun his career with BT, Neil co-founded this UK telecoms disrupter in 2010 with the aim of transforming the business telephony experience of firms and their customers. Today, Natterbox works with over 250 businesses around the world to improve data integration through CRM within Salesforce. Moreover, Natterbox enables them to put the telephone at the heart of their digitised customer services strategy and guarantee high standards across their customer services experience.

The UK is one of the only countries in the world to be lucky enough to have an organisation that supports our health and wellbeing for free like the NHS. However, issues in its efficiency are arising that are often out of the control of the organisation itself, but that are having dramatic effects on the quality of service it’s capable of providing to the thousands of patients that visit its hospitals and clinics every...

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