Hannah Chamberlain

HomeAuthor Hannah Chamberlain

Hannah Chamberlain has worked for twenty years at the interface of mental health and the media and is the founder of Mental Snapp, an app based journaling method to manage mental health using private media diaries. She also runs regular meetup group #mentalhealthartists who use play, impro, journaling and media to practice the art of good mental health. Hannah is an accomplished speaker, writer and communicator, presenting to conferences, universities and the press. She has represented Mental Snapp on a live BBC News Channel feature, and had a full page spread in the Evening Standard. Mental Snapp has been mentioned in the Houses of Parliament after Hannah won the Stelios Award for Disabled Entrepreneurs in 2017. Hannah’s mission with Mental Snapp is backed by The Stelios Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, and tech for good investor Bethnal Green Ventures. Both Mental Snapp and #mentalhealthartists take this definition of mental health as their manifesto: “Good mental health is an art built on the habit of catching and appreciating very ordinary little moments. Let’s make some ordinary moments together.”

It’s everywhere. Have you seen it? It’s the rise of the rainbow. The rainbow emoji is one I started using early this year for the first time. I found a rainbow jumper in the charity shop, took a picture of me in it, stuck it on Insta, tagged it with a rainbow. The rainbow emoji found its way into my favourites. Not only mine, now I’m noticing it everywhere. I see rainbow wrapping paper and...

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