The Androgenic alopecia is a scientific name of genetic hair loss, which affects both men and women in the form of male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. The genetic cause of hair loss is due to the combined effect of the hormone di-hydro testosterone that is a converted form of male hormone testosterone with the effect of the 5-alpha reductase an enzyme in the body. The symptoms of male pattern baldness in the male are characterized by the receding hairlines from the crown, front and the top portion of the scalp, whereas in the female the female pattern hair loss occurs in the form of thinning of hairlines.
Reason of Androgenic alopecia or Pattern Baldness
The male sex hormone Androgen is a responsible factor behind the genetic causes of hair loss and is transferred from the one generation to other either the paternal or a maternal side. The genetic calculation of the body is hereditary, so it cannot be corrected or mutated by any surgical experiments. However, the pattern baldness is transferred to the next generation by the effect of the hormone and their metabolic activities. The testosterone hormone is a type of an Androgen affected by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase in the body and after their catalyses activity forms the di-hydro testosterone that is sensitive to the areas of the scalp mostly the top, front and crown portion. The DHT is a short form of di-hydro testosterone attacks the hair follicles and tends them to shrink, which inhibits the hair growth and remains in the telogen stage (a resting phase) of the hair growth cycle and person affected with the disease experienced severe hair loss problem.
Symptoms of Pattern Baldness in Males and Females
The symptoms of Androgenic alopecia are different in both male and female and the reason of women pattern hair loss is still unclear as it is not presented in the form of complete baldness in the case of women pattern hair loss.
The affected area in the case of male pattern baldness
The Top & the frontal portion of the Scalp: The receding hairline started from the top and the frontal portion of the scalp as it is an unsafe area of the scalp and very much sensitive to the androgen hormone and effect of DHT are more prone presents the severe hair loss and baldness.
The Crown & Mid-crown of the Scalp: The receding hairlines also started from the crown and mid-crown of the scalp as it also includes under the unsafe zone of the scalp. The receding hairline of the scalp also termed as the ‘widow’s peak’. The hair loss is either side of the forehead and leaving a triangle shape structure in the middle. The hair loss area of crown or vertex started with the thinning of hair that continues till the scalp becomes visible and leaves many bald patches on the scalp.
General Thinning in Men: Some men start experiencing the general thinning of hair all over the scalp except the sides and back of the scalp. The general thinning of hair is somewhat different with the pattern baldness and does not show the complete baldness even the area of the top and frontal portion of the scalp experiencing the thinning and the cases of receding hairline like the pattern baldness do not appear. This condition of hair loss may be another causes and you need to consult your Doctor if you are affected with the general thinning of hair.
The affected area in the case of Female Pattern Baldness: The female pattern hair loss is not presented in the state of complete baldness as the causes of pattern hair loss in females are still unknown. The women who are affected by the pattern hair loss experiences the extreme thinning of hair from the top and frontal portion and scalp can get visible when partition makes for the styling. The situation is terrible for the female as the balding women rate on the attraction scale in the society. According to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), female Androgenic alopecia affected around 30 million women in the United States. It has been found in the research that the causative agent of the pattern baldness in men is testosterone, but in the case of female, the level of testosterone was normal when they were affected by pattern hair loss. However, causes of female pattern hair loss are still unknown.
Hair Transplant
As it has been discussed in the above topic that the men experienced the extremely severe cases of the pattern hair loss tends to baldness as compared to women. Although the cases of hair transplant procedure are seen in both the genders due to the need and desire of looking the aesthetically beautiful.
The hair transplant surgery is scientifically defined by the procedure of shifting the hair roots from the donor portion to the recipient one in order to overcome the problem of baldness with most aesthetic effect by offering the appropriate number of grafts (hair follicles) to the bald portion of the scalp and patient enjoy a head full of hair after the procedure. The results in terms of full growth of regrown hair are seen after the 9-12 months of the hair transplant procedure.
The Technology involvement in the Hair Transplants
Scientifically, there are two proven techniques of the hair transplants, named the FUT hair transplants and the FUE hair transplants. The technique utilizes in the restoration procedure facilitates the option of hair root extraction and the rest of the procedural steps explores the Surgeon’s proficiency towards the artistic makeup to give the aesthetic outcomes.
The Robotic FUE Hair Transplants: When the extraction procedure involves the digital technique to extract the hair roots/follicular unit is known as the robotic, especially in the concern of FUE hair transplants. The FUE hair transplant uses the technique of robotic punching machine sometimes as an ARTAS machine, Neo-graft suction needle to extract the grafts or sometimes by the iBRAIN robotic needle is used to implant the grafts. This facilitates the option of an easy transplantation of hair and that is why weighs technological benefits in the procedure. But, the fact is that only an expert surgeon can carefully use these machines to meet the aesthetic demand of the procedure.
To Get the Online Consultation: Nowadays the option of online or digital consultation has a huge demand in the hair transplant world and this makes the possibility of an easy procedure by saving the travelling time, money and energy as well. The online space, weighs a greater place in the healthcare services, especially the cosmetic surgeries and many reputed clinics make the facilities on an online consultation to assist the patients with utmost satisfaction.
So, technically assisted by the Surgeons is a great way to find the hair loss solution.

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