The importance of self-care has always been known, but it has started to be discussed more so in recent years. In a fast-paced world, it can be easy to find yourself running on empty and feeling the pressure to keep pushing yourself to meet deadlines, make more money, or focus on other people’s needs out of fear of letting them down.
While having ambition and caring for others can be good in many ways, if your health and well-being are negatively impacted to achieve these goals, is it truly worth it? You must make sure you are caring for yourself properly if you want to get the most out of life, so if you have found that you are sacrificing a lot of yourself for others recently, here is a guide for better self-care in 2023.
Reassess Your Current Routine
Having a routine can be incredibly beneficial, especially when it comes to things like managing your sleep cycle, eating habits, and exercise. All of these are vital for your body to feel nourished and energized, helping to reduce the risk of developing illness and boosting your mental health. If you are waking up at different times throughout the day and feel as though you have a lack of organization more generally, you might notice that you feel more stressed and exhausted. Although some people will work on a changing shift rota that can impact their weekly routines, do your best to regulate this to help you feel more in control of your time and well-being.
Remember It’s OK to Say No
As mentioned previously, when you are worried about letting someone down – whether that is a colleague or a friend – it can be difficult to say no to requests for help or social engagements. Although getting out and spending time with friends can be a great way to blow off steam and have fun, you shouldn’t be burning the candle at both ends. If you are feeling the need for some downtime at home after a long week at work, don’t feel guilty for turning down invitations for a night out. Equally, if you are feeling overwhelmed at work, it’s important that you communicate this to your manager. It is better to do this than risk making mistakes or being taken for granted by other colleagues who might not be pulling their weight on the team. Honesty with your employer about your limitations can allow them to make sure you have the right support in place so that you’re not making yourself ill.
Spend More Time in Nature
Studies have shown that nature can have a soothing effect on people, and you may have noticed that you can feel more at peace when you’re breathing in the fresh air and marveling at the beautiful landscapes surrounding you. If you live in a more urban area, try to make more of a conscious effort to escape into nature at the weekends or when you have some free time. Choosing to go on a hike with friends or alone can allow you to enjoy the benefits of the great outdoors, as well as fit in some additional exercise during the week. You could even consider extending this trip to a camping weekend if you would prefer. Spending time at the beach is another option for those who prefer the sound of the waves to mountainous terrain or another peaceful setting. You could even look at introducing more plant life into your living space which could help to improve air quality and bring some of the great outdoors into your home.
Stock Up on Vitamins and Supplements
You should always try to get your vitamins and minerals from the food you’re eating as part of a balanced, nutritious diet. However, it won’t hurt to have some supplements at home that you can take as part of your daily routine or if you need a boost when you’re feeling under the weather. They can be a great way to help you feel more energized and give your body what it needs to function properly, particularly if you are someone who is on the go a lot. You can order probiotics online as well as a range of other vitamins and supplements to keep at home.
Make Time for Mindfulness
Your physical and mental health are interlinked, and while maintaining a balanced diet and good exercise routine can be beneficial for your mind, there are other things you can try, too. It is important to think about mindfulness more so, especially for periods of stress and worry. In 2023, try to pay attention to your mental health more and think about how you can make improvements for a more positive, happier mindset. This might be trying out some therapy sessions, particularly if there are issues that have been playing a lot on your mind recently. Journalling is another option that can help you figure out your thoughts and feelings in a safe space. Some people enjoy arts and crafts as a way to quiet their minds or even meditation. There are a variety of mindfulness activities and techniques you can try, so think about making next year more about this if it is something you have been neglecting recently.
Aim to Have New Experiences
Trying new things is the perfect way to discover new interests and learn more about yourself. Aim to push yourself to have these new experiences in 2023, whether that is experimenting with some new healthy recipes that you can incorporate into your weekly meals or a form of exercise you truly enjoy doing. Traveling to a part of the world you have never been to before could be an adventure that you’ll never forget, or setting yourself some other challenge you have always wanted to do but never got around to it. These new experiences can be a great boost to your mental health and may even encourage you to be more active.
If you want to improve your self-care in 2023, use this brief guide as a starting point on your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

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