As well as the hand sanitizer and masks that have become standard, there are plenty of other items and accessories you can keep in your bag to help you be prepared for a variety of occasions this spring. No matter the size of your bag, or where you are going, it is always a good idea to be prepared and carry the items that you use daily. Doubling up on some of them and keeping them in your bag all the time can also help prevent you from forgetting to pack your bag before leaving the house. Here are just a couple of ideas to get you started.
Whether these are sunglasses, reading glasses, or any other kind of glasses, why not update your frames with a cool new design or shape at a discounted price from There are plenty of options to choose from so you will be sure to find a style that suits you! Accessories such as cases, cleaning cloths, and chains are also important to keep your glasses in good condition. There’s even the option to try them on virtually so you will know what they look like on you before you decide to purchase.
An umbrella
The weather can be unpredictable, so why not keep a folding umbrella tucked away in your bag for those April showers? They don’t have to be boring either, as there are plenty of colours and prints that you could choose from to add some excitement to a grey day! If you prefer not to carry an umbrella, you could choose a waterproof cover-up to help protect you from the rain. These can fold away into a smaller bag, so you don’t have to wear them all day as an extra layer, and they don’t take up much room at all!
You should wear SPF every day, no matter the season or the weather, as it is vitally important to protect your skin from UV rays. Wearing SPF on your exposed skin is very important, so make sure you always have some on you for when you need to top up. There are plenty of different types available, such as sprays or creams, and even those with sensitive skin can find options that work for them. Fortunately, smaller travel-sized options are very common, so no matter the size of your bag, there is no excuse to not carry for SPF with you everywhere!
Lip balm
Chapped and dry lips can be painful and irritating, so keeping some lip balm in your bag at all times can help to combat this. Lip balm with added SPF is an even better idea. There are so many different brands, flavours and scents to choose from that you will be able to find a lip balm that is perfect for you. There are many factors that can make your skin and lips dry, including the weather, so carrying some lip balm with you in your bag will always help you be prepared when your lips feel sore or dry.

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