Performing a travel risk assessment is an elemental part of business travel management. It is important to understand what should be included within a travel risk assessment, how it should be performed and what should be implemented. Follow these steps and make your next business trip the safest it could possibly be
What Should It Include?
There are two main elements of a travel risk assessment which are as follows: the individual and the external environment.
The Individual
When it comes to the individual, there are many areas that should be thoroughly understood. Traveller health is one of the most important aspects, especially in this day and age. This can include health conditions, allergies and any other aspects relating to the health of the traveller. Travel patterns of the individual are also important elements to take into account. This can include form of transport, whether the stay will be a day trip or overnight and the general itinerary of the employee in question. These consideration regarding the individual can help to reduce risks. If an employee has any form of disability, mental or physical, these are also important factors to take into account.
The Environment
Environmental factors that the employee who is travelling might face are also essential factors to consider. This can include transport type and whether there are any restrictions in place. This relates to two aspects; local restrictions, such as road closures, whether the location is rural and factors relating to the area in general, and national restrictions, such as those associated with the coronavirus pandemic. Illness is another environmental factor. This includes vaccination obligations, the risk level of the area and whether medication is required within the specified area.
The pandemic of Covid-19 is an example of how travel risks can change quickly, so it is essential that you remain vigilant and stay aware, even if there are no current restrictions in place.
How to Implement a Risk Assessment
Implementing the travel risk assessment involves a few key principles. By following these, you can implement an extremely effective risk assessment.
- Identify environmental threats
This involves using resources such as online travel data and news reports while also contacting local embassies to assess any environmental risks there may be.
- Consider the individuals’ risks
Ensure employees fill out the appropriate risk assessment forms for each country.
- Review and update when necessary
Once you have undertaken the aforementioned procedures, you should assess the situation and see what could be improved. If any potential incidents could be prevented, you should do thorough research beforehand.
Each time you endeavour upon a new business trip, this process should be repeated. Every location will have its own potential issues, so do not use a prior trip as a tried and tested example of how the next business venture will unfold.
If you follow the advice here and take heed of the multiple steps involved for a travel risk assessment, you should find that the process becomes much easier, streamlining the journey and making any future trips easier.
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