
HomeCategory Artificial Intelligence


The pandemic accelerated digital transformation in healthcare, emphasising the importance of opening up new digital channels as traditional communication methods became less effective. This shift enabled healthcare providers to better meet patient needs and improve care delivery and efficiency. Adopting new digital tech strategies have become crucial for engaging patients online and providing vital health information. Additionally, generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is making significant strides in healthcare, offering personalised and efficient solutions through synthetic data...


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the realm of surgery is not just a leap into the future; it’s a transformative shift happening right before our eyes. This evolution is reshaping the landscape of patient care, making surgeries safer, more precise, and significantly more efficient. The journey of AI in medicine has been nothing short of revolutionary, tracing back to the early algorithms capable of diagnosing diseases to the sophisticated robotic systems assisting in...


Medical professionals are continuously looking for innovative solutions to streamline their processes and improve patient care in the fast-paced and data-driven world of healthcare. Scribe America is one such method that has garnered significant popularity in recent years. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to help in medical recording and clinical decision-making is called AI scribing. Scribe America is profoundly changing the medical sector by automating duties traditionally handled by human medical scribes. The...


By Dr Eduardo Abeliuk Dr. Eduardo Abeliuk is a U.S. based entrepreneur and technologist with over twenty years of experience driving technology development and innovation at various high-tech companies in the US. He is currently the Chairman and CEO at TeselaGen Biotech., a Silicon Valley based company that works at the interface between Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Software. Dr. Abeliuk holds a double bachelor’s degree in Physics and in Electrical Engineering from University of...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and healthcare is no exception. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is transforming the way healthcare providers deliver services to patients. From identifying illnesses to predicting treatment outcomes, AI has become an essential tool in modern medicine. In this article, we will explore how AI is helping healthcare, including its role in identity verification. Improved Diagnostics AI has been instrumental in...


We’re currently amidst an opioid crisis right across the world, with more people abusing and becoming addicted to the likes of fentanyl than ever before. It’s a scary situation, and particularly in the USA there is looking like no end in sight. Addiction has long been a problem globally, with over 100 million people suffering from alcohol use disorder, while the likes of cocaine usage, gambling addiction and even behavioural addictions such as social media...


Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in healthcare, with the potential to transform the way we diagnose and treat diseases. In this post, we’ll explore what artificial intelligence is, how it can be used in healthcare and the benefits of using it. What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans. AI systems are designed to learn from...


Wherever AI systems and algorithms are used within the corporate world to help make decisions for an individual, and where data is collected and stored, there is a genuine need for transparency and AI explainability. This is linked to the EU and UK GDPR and the right to be informed as an individual. We all have the right to understand why and how our data is being collected, as well as how it will be...


Artificial intelligence is getting better and better by the year. At this point in time, AI isn’t even the future, it’s the present. The possibilities are endless, and the quick advancements in medicine due to AI are going to surprise and excite the world. Everyone has heard of artificial intelligence, but what exactly is it? According to Oracle, artificial intelligence refers to systems that mimic human intelligence, and improve iteratively through data collection. The more...


With big data, healthcare institutions use artificial intelligence to aid medical decision-making. Artificial Intelligence is growing fast and is touching almost every industry somehow. In healthcare, there are a lot of real-world applications of AI. In fact, from the diagnosis of certain diseases to creating the next new wonder drug, AI has a role to play. Let’s check out artificial intelligence and find out some real-life applications. What Is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is...

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