
Home54 years ago 2017 November 06


The healthcare sector could be on the verge of a cybersecurity crisis. The findings of a study from Ponemon suggest that consumers have a misplaced confidence in the ability of healthcare providers to keep their personal information safe. Two-thirds said they trust providers to protect their data, while only a quarter trust credit card companies. In reality, healthcare organisations account for 34 per cent of all data breaches, while financial organisations account for only 4.8...


Diabetes has always been at the forefront of technological advances in patient care. Testing patients to determine how well their diabetes is managed started with measuring the presence of sugar in the urine and gave way to measuring blood glucose by finger prick testing. According to the best endocrinologist in Dubai, these simple yet groundbreaking advances have been overshadowed by the development of incredibly intelligent devices to help patients with diabetes manage their condition. Measuring...

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