
DentistryTop Dental Myths That Everyone Should Know

Through time, many misconceptions have been formed regarding oral health. It can take just some time to gain good oral hygiene; however, wrong practices can cause irreversible damage. Keep reading the rest of the article to know some of these myths and how we bust them.

Myth: Your Teeth will be Cleaner if You Brush Harder.


Teeth are coated with natural enamel, which protects them from decay and cavities. Very hard brushing can erode this protective enamel and even damage the gums. Instead, soft-bristled brushes should be considered, and brushing teeth firmly in circular motions is better.

Myth: Flossing is not Important Now.


Due to the lack of evidence for the benefits of flossing regularly was eradicated from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recently, but that doesn’t mean it is not effective anymore. Dentists still recommend this and believe that a buildup can only be removed by flossing with an evident difference.

Myth: Sugar-Free Gum can be an Alternative to Brushing.


It is true that sugar-free gums, especially the ones containing xylitol, protect the teeth. And the acids that erode the natural enamel of the teeth are washed away through the saliva produced when you chew gum. Xylitol is an added advantage as it doubles the power of saliva. However, this still does not replace plaque removal by flossing or brushing teeth.

For the best dental attention, search no further than Knoxville dentist; the talented and experienced dentist here delivers the best treatments and dental care.

Myth: If Flossing Makes Your Gums Bleed, You should Stop Doing It.


Gums bleed due to inflammation, which is when plaque and bacteria get stuck in places where the toothbrush bristles do not reach in the mouth. When this bacterium stays there for some time, it inflames the gums, which in turn causes bleeding. Flossing once a month will make bleeding and inflammation go away slowly.

Myth: Cavities are only Caused by Sugar.


The belief that cavities are caused only by sweet treats is a misconception as starchy foods like chips and crackers may be worse for teeth that contain carbohydrates. This is because these carbohydrates break down into sugars which also stick to the teeth.

Myth: Sensitive Teeth Suggest that Natural Enamel has Worn Out.


The loss of enamel can indeed cause teeth sensitivity; however, there can be other reasons. These can be gum recession or whitening toothpaste that contains blue covarine, microbeads or hydrogen peroxide. If toothpaste or whitening procedures are the cause, it is easy to get the strength of your teeth back by changing the toothpaste.

Myth: Healthy Teeth are White. 


This can be true in some cases but not always, since the natural color of teeth is white, and unhealthy habits like smoking can make them yellow or darker colors. There are other reasons why teeth can become pale, like some medication, old age, or stains from certain drinks or foods. Hence it does not necessarily suggest that the teeth are unhealthy.

Dental health requires consistency and care and rather than doubting certain practices, it is advisable to visit your dentist and discuss your oral health today.

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