
Mental HealthTips To Cope Emotionally With A Life-Changing Physical Disability

It’s understandably overwhelming to interpret a disability diagnosis, even more so when considering just how devastating catastrophic injuries and illnesses are that lead to the final diagnosis of long-term disability. Coming to terms with an entirely new life that’s intertwined with all-new hurdles is difficult for anyone, to say the least.

Nevertheless, countless disabled individuals overcome their challenges and live fulfilling lives, despite their disabilities.

So, we’ve rounded up some valuable advice for those facing a disability diagnosis.

Grieve, And Then Accept

The grief process is relevant to all instances in which an individual is faced with a life-altering loss, whether death, job loss, divorce, or loss of physical abilities. Moreover, enduring the stages of grief is the only way to accept the unacceptable. These stages include denial, anger, and even depression. However, moving through each step leads the way to acceptance of a new reality.

But with this, it’s vital to know when to reach out to friends and family or an expert therapist.

Take Control Of Your Finances

Even though your financial affairs might seem like an entirely different topic in terms of managing a disability, your finances will directly influence your emotional wellbeing.

When taking control of your finances, it’s likely in your best interests to consult a disability attorney to determine what types of financial aid are available to you. In some cases, social security disability is a relevant route. With this, you and your spouse can collect benefits, and you can learn more about these benefits and how they work by doing a bit of online research.

Alternatively, you might be able to claim benefits from disability insurance policies or even your employer in some situations. For example, if you have been terminated due to disability discrimination, you can seek legal counsel and claim from your employer.

Gain Control Over Your Disability

If you don’t take control of your disability, your disability will take control of your life. You will need to find ways to overcome the challenges that your disability imposes on your day-to-day life. Whether this means employing live-in care or opting for occupational therapy sessions in which you can learn how to manage your physical restrictions, it’s essential to create a plan to take back control.

Join Support Groups

Support groups consist of individuals who face the same or similar challenges. By relying on each other and providing social support, group members are often able to progress past their challenges.

There are support groups available for just about everything, from divorce and death to addiction and disability. Joining a support group can help you in several ways, and thanks to video call platforms, you can even find relevant support groups online and join from the comfort of your home.

Regardless of the severity of your disability and how it impacts your life, it is possible to lead a quality life and overcome all your challenges. But with this, the journey to recovery and acceptance is not the same for everyone, and persistence is critical to emotional wellbeing.

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