For many of us, the lockdown and its various restrictions have proven to be very challenging to our mental health. As the lockdown and its restrictions begin to be lifted, many of us are longing for life to go back to how it used to be. But before we can do that, we need to understand that the changes brought about by the end of the lockdown might be as difficult as those found at the start. So, what can we do to cope mentally with the easing of restrictions? This could be something as small as buying yourself an anxiety toy such as those from this page, to getting therapy to deal with your fears.
Finding Routines
One of the best ways to ease mental strain is by getting into routines. Getting into routines will not only help us get back to our lives faster but it will also help reduce the anxieties of doing so. Simple routines include exercising regularly, eating well and getting back to the things we love and that we can engage in right now.
It is also important to get into the habit of getting and staying in touch with our loved ones. This is the best way of talking about any anxieties or fears you may have about the state of the world after the end of the lockdown and its restrictions.
Fighting Fear and Anxiety
Fear and anxiety will probably be widespread as people get back to their normal routines. The biggest fear and cause of anxiety is getting infected and transmitting the virus to our loved ones. This fear and anxiety is a normal response, but it can be mitigated by following some simple guidelines. The first step is understanding that this response is normal and we are likely not the only ones feeling this way.
The second step is understanding that other people’s behaviour might cause frustration and anger, especially if you are taking steps to protect yourself and others are not. It is important not to rush judgement, but take steps to protect ourselves and talk to someone about our anger and frustration as soon as they show up. This will help us to not carry this mental burden and can be a good way of getting the assurance we need that things will be okay.
Lastly, challenge yourself to do new things every day. Fear and anxiety will make this harder than it would be otherwise. For example, if supermarkets and high streets cause you anxiety because of the risk of getting infected, try to only go once a week. This way, you get used to doing your shopping and slowly ease into it.
Coping with Uncertainty
What we know to be our normal has changed and this will bring a lot of uncertainty. A lot of us have done well to deal with the uncertainties of the lockdown but now we have to deal with the uncertainties its easing will bring.
The first step in dealing with this uncertainty is taking things one at a time. Understanding that we can only do the best with what we already have, and not worrying about what might or might not happen is a good place to start.
Resetting and relaxing will help put things back into perspective and help you appreciate all the good that will happen.
Peace of Mind: Protecting Our Loved Ones
The fear of getting infected, as discussed above, is real, and things can get a lot worse if you are the primary provider in your home. The pandemic has made a lot of us think about our families and what would happen to them if we were not around.
Getting the right insurance cover remains the best way to get peace of mind in knowing our families will be taken care of if we are no longer around. It is also a good way to ease mental pressure so we can take care of other parts of our lives.
Although getting the right kind of life insurance cover is easier than it used to be, some hurdles still exist for those who have been diagnosed with depression or anxiety due to the effects of the lockdown, social distancing and, in some cases, self-isolation.
If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, you will need the right life insurance; you might need general Mental Health Life Insurance, Depression Life Insurance if you have been diagnosed with depression, or Anxiety Life Insurance if you have been diagnosed with anxiety.
To find the best insurance provider for the type of insurance you need, and to ensure you get a fair quote, it would help greatly to compare mental health, depression and anxiety insurance quotes from different providers. You can start your comparison on I’m Insured will help you compare insurance quotes from over 200 leading insurance providers. Their process is simple and quick so that, after entering your details, you have your quote in a few minutes.
The lockdown has been bad for everyone and getting out of it will be a lot more challenging than people expect. Finding ways to deal with our fears, anxieties, anger and frustration as well as the uncertainties we face remains the best way of getting out of the lockdown and back to our lives smoothly.

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