Being the capital of Ireland, Dublin is a bustling city. However, amidst the hustle and the bustle is a serene and peace-loving community that is very sweet and welcoming. If you’ve ever been to Dublin, or anywhere in Ireland, you’ll understand exactly what I mean.
One other attribute that is akin to the Irish is their strong familial bonds. Family is a big thing in this humble yet beautiful country. They value their roots, kin, and family ties so much that seeing big Irish households is like an everyday thing. Children would live with their parents and grandchildren would live with their grandparents. Finding immediate and extended families living together under one roof comes to no one’s surprise in Dublin. Taking care of family is something inherent to the Irish – and I believe that’s just beautiful. Check this out:
The Western Culture Of Care
In most Western countries, children are advised to get their own place as soon as they turn 18 years old. I get the logic behind it, really. After all, I understand how parents would want their children to stand on their own two feet and experience a world of independence and self-sufficiency. That kind of culture also has merits of its own.
What saddens me is the reality that most western families are quick to enrol their elders in senior or care homes. They would rather not be bothered with having to take care of older members of the family because it gets in the way of “more important matters” such as career and social status. I ask you: Are these things really worth trading family for?
An even sadder event is that parents, when the time comes, enrol themselves to nursing homes. This is because they do not want to be a burden. They do not want to trouble their children. Even at a ripe age, parents still think of what will satisfy their children the most. They would downright refuse living in one of their children’s houses because they don’t want to impose. That is an admirable thing parents do even when in reality, life in a nursing home can get pretty lonely.
This is why I believe it is up to us children to make our elderly feel more comfortable living around us. I think it is our duty to make them feel welcome and loved inside our homes (read on a similar topic). They are growing old and weak. Some of them will get sick due to their withering health. It’s sad to think that after all those years of sacrifice; they get to culminate their lives in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar faces.
These people have carried our weight when we ourselves couldn’t. It is only right that we give back.
But My Parents Don’t Want To Live With Me – What Can I Do?

Don’t let them part with you. It can be a lonely road growing old on their own. But of course, you don’t want to riddle them with guilt by thinking they’re making things difficult for you. This is why you should consider getting homecare in Dublin.
Home care is when a caregiver personally makes his or her way to a client’s house so that he or she can attend to what the client needs. From help with simple everyday tasks like personal grooming to muscle rehab and relaxation therapies, home care assistants may just be what you need to make sure that the elders in your family are well-taken care of at all times. Hiring a home service will also realize your dream of making a happy home for your parents or grandparents as they gaze upon the setting sun of their lives.
As Lilo once said “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind.” Make sure you don’t leave yours behind.

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