There are clear health benefits of being part of an online community. One of those benefits has to do with your emotional wellbeing.
If you have only heard of how social media is bad for you, here are three positive effects of social media on your mental health.
1. Allows You to Connect With Family and Loved Ones
We are social beings that long to socialize, interact, and connect with others. Social media allows you to stay in touch with your loved ones promoting positive mental health.
Elderly individuals and people with limited mobile mobility particularly benefit from social media platforms as they get to connect with loved ones without the need to travel.
In a recent survey where 1000 pensioners were surveyed, the findings indicated 7 out of the10 surveyed seniors used Facebook to connect and keep in touch with loved ones. For such people, interaction through social media helps prevent loneliness and depression, among other mental health issues.
2. Raises Awareness on Mental Issues
Through social media, organizations and individuals can raise awareness on mental health issues. This has also seen social media become an important learning tool that inspires healthy lifestyles.
For instance, using unique hashtags can make a mental health issue trend on Twitter. Instagram can also be used to spread positive and helpful hashtags that touch on mental health issues.
In one such awareness post, an organization shared a picture of an egg on Instagram to create awareness on mental health. The photo of an egg that received more than 52 million free Instagram likes, was at one point the most-liked photo on the platform. The organization later posted a cracked egg, noting that the egg cracked due to pressure from the overwhelming attention it received. Alongside the cracked egg was a message for people who feel under pressure to seek help.
Besides, mental health organizations on Instagram can seek help from SimplyGram to reach out to people who appear to be struggling with issues such as suicide, depression, among other mental health issues. This will ensure such people get timely interventions. The site also has a self-injury reporting tool that can help reach out to people who may be struggling with a mental health issue.
3. Source of Social Support and Interventions for Mental Health Issues
An increasing number of online groups and websites are offering mental health support through social media. Such sites provide hotlines for suicide prevention, anonymous forums, and SMS services to help those with mental issues on their recovery journey.
Through such platforms, people with mental health issues can seek help anonymously. Many young people can also now post personal issues on online support groups and forums, something they wouldn’t do with their parents or close friends. This makes early interventions to such issues possible. Such anonymous sharing also encourages self-expression and minimizes the danger of stigma.
In one study, researchers found out that socially apprehensive people may find refuge in social media when they need to talk to someone.
In conclusion, social media can positively impact your mental health. But to enjoy these benefits, you should limit the time you spend online, and also focus on using social media for the right reasons.
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